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Items tagged with: RHEL

OFC, one does always buy into an #Ecosystem...

I think #Canonical should not #hamfist #Snap too hard and instead work towards a safe alliance to enshure portability of #Linux applications across Distros to replace the #RedHat dominance and avoid a #Duopoly if not #Tripoly for their own sake.

Which reminds me that @EU_Commission not calling out #RHEL and #Autodesk as #Market #Gatekeepers shows that those decisionmakers know shit about #tech.

Earlier today at #almalinux we patched CVE-2023-38403 in iperf3 and released it prior to anyone else in the EL-ecosystem. We promptly submitted PRs with #centos and #fedora.

A lot was learned during this process so we can nail down the processes of doing our own patches while contributing upstream and ultimately deliver on our promises from

#rhel #redhat

🕺 New Changelog & Friends!

Red Hat’s decision to lock down RHEL sources behind a subscription paywall was met with much ire and opened opportunity for Oracle to get a smack in and SUSE to announce a fork with $10 million behind it 🥊

Few RHEL community members have been as publicly irate as @geerlingguy, so we invited him on the show to discuss 💬

#linux #redhat #rockylinux #almalinux #suse #oracle #rhel #foss #opensource


#Redhat has determined that they see no value in a downstream rebuilder of #rhel #linux

Given that, as the #MicroMirror team @warthog9 and I have concerns in supporting RHEL's upstream development branch in a community manner. We have removed Centos-stream from the eight Micro Mirror nodes as well as our main mirror which were hosting that project, explicitly over these concerns.

The MicroMirror project is run, literally, as a hobby and a public benefit. No one on the team is paid for this effort, and in fact costs us money (though we actively appreciate and love the support we get, we still throw our own skin into this game too!). It's hard to be a part of Redhat's community when they seemingly take umbrage with our support, so from our perspective Redhat needs to either embrace the community as we have always wanted and expected from them, or until such time as they do they should consider getting into the Linux mirror business for their development branch of RHEL.

The main unfortunate part is that leaves only hacks for running #EXWM and #StumpWM on #RHEL.

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