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Items tagged with: snap

Someone created it, but a bunch of developers at Ubuntu implemented it, and now thousands are use it. This thing is spreading!



#MisterRogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind | PBS Digital Studios #PBS #Truth #GardenOfYourMind #Snap #Snap

#Dedication #RangerBobRadio

#Ubuntu moving away from .deb is a good idea on paper to get them less reliant on #Debian. It's just the fact of how bad #snap has been as a package manager and no one seems to like it but they're still going full steam ahead.

Normally I would be the type commenting on the irrational component to controversial perceptions around the #Snap ecosystem.

But in this case even I would say that #Canonical are bang to rights given the repeat occurrences and the types of mitigation they could have introduced.

If they are only trying to avoid cost or amplifying the fear of it becoming a walled-garden then the current approach is biased too far in the other direction on both counts.

Valve is seeing an increasing number of bug reports for issues caused by Canonical's repackaging of the Steam client through snap.

The best way to install Steam on Debian and derivative operating systems is to follow the instructions at and use the official .deb

We are not involved with the snap repackaging. It has a lot of issues.

If you don't want the .deb, please at least consider the flatpak version.

#steam #ubuntu #snap #flatpak

Cross-distribution support improvements coming for Canonical's Snap packages

#Linux #Snap #Canonical #Ubuntu

Well, #Snap may be better on the #Server side but considering the "standard by consensus" on #FLOSS they should admit defeat and go with #FlatPak.

Espechally since #Canonical doesn't seem to yet provide the benefit of a #centralized #repo in the form of #QualityControl and #Verification of #Developers...

@BrodieOnLinux took a look at the case:

OFC, one does always buy into an #Ecosystem...

I think #Canonical should not #hamfist #Snap too hard and instead work towards a safe alliance to enshure portability of #Linux applications across Distros to replace the #RedHat dominance and avoid a #Duopoly if not #Tripoly for their own sake.

Which reminds me that @EU_Commission not calling out #RHEL and #Autodesk as #Market #Gatekeepers shows that those decisionmakers know shit about #tech.

I'm technical enough, but help family and friends with #Linux. I'm particular about graphical user experience.

- sane setup for non-technical users or of the box
- easy access to printer setup, user setup, network setup, etc
- timely security updates
- ootb wide hardware support (including proprietary if chosen)
- mainstream enough for packages (including proprietary ones) to be available. #flatpak #snap #appimage and #distrobox make this easier now

Snap store from Canonical hit with malicious apps

#Ubuntu #Snap #Canonical

This is a fantastic development! We should also thank forward-looking distros like @elementary and its AppCenter for Everyone initiative for paving the way.

Now, will #Canonical follow this move with Snap? Because I'd much rather support an ecosystem that in turn has the mechanisms in place to support the developers.

#FlatHub #Flatpak #Snap #Linux

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