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Items tagged with: floss

Success! The #maclinuxbuild lives. I’m working out some kinks with the GPU but so far just the normal #linux things to work out. I decided to go with @ubuntu after testing a few different distros it had the best out of the box support. Loving this system report with 24 threads😍 #foss #floss #opensource #ubuntu #gnome @itsfoss #gpu #cpu #photo #photography

Time for a memory upgrade on the #maclinuxbuild project. Per suggestion from @itsfoss I’m going to adding in 64GB of #ram Next up I’ll be eyeing a GPU for this. And which GPU really depends on what I’ll ultimately be using this for. More to come soon. #foss #floss #slowtech #opensource #oldtech #oldtechrescue #linux #kde #gnome #photo #photography

Going into 2025 on a #slowtech kick. Picked up a #macpro 5,1 from craiglist, ordered a 12 core #cpu tray w/ 32GB of #ram. Will share more upgrades as they come in. When it’s all installed, I’m planning on running some flavor of #linux on it as a personal #desktop. #photo #photography #tech #apple #foss #floss #opensource Next piece is a 2.5” SSD as the startup disk. Should I get more RAM? @itsfoss

Nothing fair about "Fair Source". That doesn't exist. It's just an excuse / attempt to ride the good vibes of FLOSS.

Being "open" is good marketing nowadays so companies love to climb onboard, especially if they can prevent from actually being open.

Free/Libre Open Source Software all the way.

#opensource #floss

Pessoal, uma oportunidade interessante, especialmente pra quem trabalha com ou é parte de algum movimento social. Mentoria em mídias sociais e comunicadores livres, com direito a bolsa. Os encontros são todos em inglês, o que pode ser complicado pra algumas pessoas, mas acho que vale a pena pelo menos dar uma olhada.

#FLOSS #Matrix #fediverso #mentoria

I'm thrilled to announce, especially on the occasion of the #Fediforum, that @medlab is launching an Open Social Incubator.

Our mission is to support a cohort of community builders who could use extra support in getting to know and learning to use open social tools.

Participants will receive $3,500, hands-on support, and a peer community.

Please spread the word! Learn more here:

one of many reasons for supporting this #FSFE campaign:

"Public Money? Public Code!"

#FreeSoftware #FLOSS #FOSS #privacy

🚨 Job alert! 🚨

- Are you passionate about helping human rights defenders and eyewitness use evidentiary media for justice ✊ 📸 💾 ?
- Are you seeking a large, impactful role in a small nonprofit?
- Do you love FLOSS, DWeb technologies?

Join us to lead our operational & fundraising success! 🚀

Check out the full job description and apply ⏬

#PreserveTruthToPower #PrivacyByDesign #HumanRights #DigitalRights #JobOpp #ApplyNow #FLOSS

@fuchsiii +9001%

Unless #nvidia literally #FLOSS'd everything like #LAPSUS demanded in 2021 that's not gonna happen...

Today's updated Flathub docs: more information for app developers about verification, including some more technical details. Inspired yet again by conversations with external ISVs.

#Flathub #Flatpak #documentation #Linux #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

Well, #Snap may be better on the #Server side but considering the "standard by consensus" on #FLOSS they should admit defeat and go with #FlatPak.

Espechally since #Canonical doesn't seem to yet provide the benefit of a #centralized #repo in the form of #QualityControl and #Verification of #Developers...

@BrodieOnLinux took a look at the case:

For some light summer reading:,_Wiki2print,_Wiki-to-pdf,_and_so_on...

"Wiki-to-print, Wiki2print, Wiki-to-pdf, and so on..." is an exchange between members of #varia and Hackers & Designers about their publishing workflows along the trails of using #MediaWiki as a way to collectively make paged media (in other words, PDFs). @simoon and i have been working with these wiki publishing configurations to make a book, newspaper and currently a next edition of the #APRJA journal.

And this is a PDF version (as part of H&D Bulletin #1):

The conversation will be continued in Part 2 after the summer. 😀

#webtoprint #floss #design

I'll keep saying it, because it keeps coming up. If you're working in the FreeDesktop, Linux, or Flatpak spaces, you *need* to understand this, even if you don't personally care about gaming or Steam Deck.

#SteamDeck #Flatpak #Flathub #Linux #FreeDesktop #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS

So exciting! Please consider mirroring these talks on #peertube as @penpot did with their latest #penpotfest @penpot_app

What better way to promote #decentralized platforms and #foss #floss alternatives, it seems like a perfect fit😀

#penpot #fediFirst #fediverse #activityPub

🇩🇪 Dürfen wir vorstellen: #NextcloudOffice!

Melden Sie sich zum kostenlosen, deutschsprachigen #Webinar am Mittwoch, 24. Mai, 15:00 Uhr, an und erfahren Sie alles zur kollaborativen und datenschutzkonformen Büroanwendung in Nextcloud Hub von #CollaboraOnline.

Hier anmelden:

#nextcloud #opensource #floss #foss #dsgvo #digitalesouveränität #nextcloudhub #collabora

This is your irregular reminder #Adobe are fucking dicks:

> Adobe Tells Users They Can Get Sued for Using Old Versions of Photoshop

We need #FLOSS tools to get to the point where they can replace Adobe tools. Open alternatives are great, but they are sadly not there yet to replace Adobe tools for professionals.

And won't be unless projects like @inkscape get enough funding to develop to a point of being viable alternatives.

Yes, it is in no small part about the money.

Also I think it should be respecting and accepting one's #privacy and be an #OptIn solution that is completely #OnPremise / within one's own IT.

After all, this is why I like and use #Nextcloud and @collabora's @CollaboraOffice #CollaboraOffice and all the other parts of my #TechStack:

I want every single component to be accountable to me down to every bit, and only #FLOSS allows me to have independent audits if need be.

[Call for applications] Deadline non-EU coming up: March 7 🔥💻


Master Experimental Publishing (XPUB)

Calling all professionals questioning contradictory LaserDiscs, stenographers parodying binary image boards, nations performing omni-DIY architectures, pirates listening to distributed cybernetics, viruses seeing centralised libraries

Applications deadlines:

March 7, 2023 (non-EU)
May 10, 2023 (EU)

#art #design #publishing #coding #computers #freesoftware #floss #master #education #rotterdam

Wishing everyone a great time at State of Open Con by Open UK starting today in London, United Kingdom

#soocon23 #foss #floss #event

XPUB (the Experimental Publishing Master in Rotterdam) organizes two open days in February: one online and one in person!

Join us on Monday 6th of February, 2023 for the online open day 🖥️ : we will host two online sessions at 10:00 (UTC+1) and 17:00 (UTC+1). Register by writing to

And/or join us on Saturday 11th of February, 2023 at the XPUB studio 🍵 : we will be around from 10:00 to 15:00. You can find us on the 4th floor in the WdKA/PZI building at Wijnhaven 61, Rotterdam.

#publishing #design #art #computers #research #education #rotterdam #floss #freesoftware #publicdomain


happy to announce the Libre Virtual Reality Meeting in Brussels this 6th of October, in conjunction with : how to build virtual and augmented reality tools and spaces with free libre software and hardware, respecting users data and privacy ...
Free to attend, and will also be streamed on a peertube channel
Welcome ;)
#vr #floss #virtualreality #gdpr #fediverse #augmentedreality #webxr
featuring @utopiah @collabora @SyndicWill ...

Bonfire is a Fediverse project that aims to store your social data on a physical device that you own (for example a Raspberry Pi running Bonfire software). It will also operate offline if preferred.

It's still in development, but you can follow the project at:

➡️ @bonfire

The new official website is at

(It was previously known as CommonsPub.)

#Bonfire #CommonsPub #Fediverse #ActivityPub #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Hardware #OffTheGrid #Privacy

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