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Items tagged with: Fediverse

[strong]Frage | Friendica: Warum braucht das so lange ein Profil zu Ăśffnen?[/strong]

Wenn ich versuche direkt Ăźber einen Profillink ein Profil zu Ăśffnen dauert das ewig:

Wenn ich eine Erwähnung wie z. B. in dem Fall @Nike Leonhard anklicke geht es recht flott, aber eben nur weil das Profil nicht inlay, sondern direkt auf dem betreffenden Server geÜffnet wird.

Und wenn ich dann auf die Idee komme die URL dieses Profils, hier z. B. in die Suche einzugeben, habe ich das Profil innerhalb von zwei, drei Sekunden inlay vor mir.

Suche ich btw. direkt nach dem Profil, kann es sein das es gar nicht gefunden wird.

Woher kommt da der doch riesige zeitliche Unterschied?

#Frage #Friendica #Profile #Fediverse #2024-07-14 !Friendica Support


Place pixels in a collaborative pixel canvas for the next 72 hours!

Matrix: (also in profile)

#canvas #canvas2024 #fediverse #games #fedigames #fedievents

@Flipboard Added a comment about it:

It’s sad to not see more cooperation between #Mastodon / #Fediverse and #IndieWeb

The latter is focused on social semantics for the web and the former for social semantics for ActivityPub – when the two overlap they should coordinate – and articles are very much web pages and something the #IndieWeb knows best practices around

I wish #Mastodon supported the kinds of "starter packs" just launched by #Bluesky. They're a great way to invite people to join a new platform and quickly find people and organizations that meet their interests.

I'm committed to Mastodon, but I'm on Bluesky to explore and experiment. While I like these starter packs, I won't be using them. I want to invite new people (working on my topics) to join Mastodon, not Bluesky.


We think this can shake up social media 🕺

Our new Amplifier lets you curate your timeline as you scroll with the flick of a switch and personalise your social web.

By simplifying your feed, you can catch up on conversations that matter to you. Just turn on the Amplifier in your Newsmast settings!

Now on the Newsmast app, update or download on the App & Play Stores then login with your Mastodon account.

#fediverse #fedidev #tech #fediadmin #mastodon

I am very much enjoying HBO’s Silicon Valley. Also, super digging the #fediverse foreshadowing here this season aired in 2017. @Gargron are you familiar with this show?

This is such as cool video that explains that Mastodon is not just a Twitter Replacement. Gonna try and show this to people that haven't got into Mastodon before.

#Mastodon #Fediverse #ExplainerVideo

Should #Shadertoy have #ActivityPub / #Fediverse support? 🤔

I have an account there, containing a dodgy old raytracing experiment. But I like looking at other people's stuff.

The site already has profiles, posts, likes, follow mechanics.

It's fun to think about how one would federate Shadertoy posts. HTML iframe with a fallback animated GIF somehow?

The site lets high-tier Patreon supporters make feature suggestions. Any Shadertoy enthusiasts interested in asking?

Next week, @devs is putting on a keynote event featuring a fantastic lineup of announcements and community celebrations. Please join us for the live stream — we promise you have *never* seen a tech keynote like this one, and we have some exciting news we think our friends here on the #Fediverse are really going to like 😁

Set a reminder to watch on

There's no good way to prevent AI models from being trained on art published on the fediverse. But there's work we can do to prevent it and protect the artists who post there. #fediverse

It’s weird when two things pop up around the same time, looking the same. Even more weird when one is a crypto start-up with a billion dollar valuation. And the other an under-funded non-profit in the Fediverse.

That’s the story of an unlikely couple: #Farcaster and #Newsmast.

Both built around channels, or communities. The success of Farcaster shows the potential in the #Fediverse.


Pixelfed Groups + Lemmy + Kbin + Smithereen

We're implementing federation support in Groups before we ship this huge feature!

#groups #fediverse #soon

Great to meet @Gargron, @andypiper and many other #Fediverse and #Mastodon enthusiasts in SF.

Thanks to @mike and @Flipboard for holding the social event!

"In 2024, for the first time, it finally feels like we have a critical mass of people and platforms who are interested in rewilding the internet to bring back what we lost, and create something new. ... There's a palpable feeling that this just might be the year of the open web."

is this feeling... hope?

#ActivityPub #Ghost #fediverse #OpenWeb

I hesitate to share this for fear of generating a mini #ddos on their site, but i had no idea the #fediverse generated so much traffic due to its inherent nature. Sounds like issue is on the roadmap to getting fixed, but good that folks are sounding off about it.

(sorry for the ddos hug @itsfoss 😀 )

Wow! Never thought about it. Yes, this totally makes sense.
Another temporary solution (instead of blocking Mastodon user-agent) could be blocking all media sent to that agent, to decrease traffic.
I hope there will be a fix sooner than later, this is a really bad side effect of #Mastodon. BTW what about other #fediverse back-ends, same issue?

Oh, the Founder of Mastodon takes the final and last Step to get more Profit out of it by babbling about something with creating a Non-Profit organization in the US because of their Taxes...🙄

Just my humble opinion on the matter at hand. 😉

#Mastodon #Fediverse #US #Taxes #Money #Profit #NonProfit
@Gargron @roblen

I don’t know exactly what they are or what they will be on activity pub but I just jolted my email to keep in touch.
I’m looking for a long form blog type that is connected to the #fediverse
Let’s see what happens…

Post from @rabble on why he's chosen to use #Nostr and not #ActivityPub and the #Fediverse. He makes some compelling points. Personally I am not too worried about the server admin parts of his argument (I have enough control, even if I don't control the server), but I agree that this isn't ideal:

"You can’t use a single fediverse identity with your profile and followers in Peertube, Mobilizon, WriteFreely, and Pixelfed. You need a totally separate account in each one."

What does it mean to federate your Flipboard profile? In the simplest terms, it means that whatever you curate (aka share) on Flipboard will be "syndicated" out to the fediverse with no extra effort. @miaq tests it out and breaks it down.

#Federation #Fediverse #FediCurious #Curation #Flipboard #Mastodon #SpreadMastodon #Creators

Oooh, is this new? (Rhetorical question - even if it is not new, it seems new to me!)
I really like how mastodon (in the version currently running on explains how blocks work!

P.S. Obviously not blocking this particular account, used it as an example 😅

#mastodon #fediverse

Fediverse | Probleme bei der Federation

Es gibt im Fediverse einige Newsbots deren 'Anrisse' bei mir scheinbar ohne Link zum Orginalbeitrag sind. Nehmen wir zum Beispiel diesen Beitrag. Bei mir (Friendica) sieht er so aus:

Sprich es gibt nur einen kurzen Textanriss und ansonsten gar nichts. Gehe ich dann auf den Orginalbeitrag (ebenfalls Friendica), so sieht es so aus:

Nun stellt sich die Frage wo unterwegs das Bild als auch der Link auf der Strecke geblieben sind. Liegt es daran das ich die Vorschau fĂźr Links deaktiviert habe? Wenn ja, dann mĂźsste ja doch trotzdem irgendwo der entsprechende Link im Beitrag sein, oder sehe ich das falsch?

Achso, der Vollständigkeit halber findet man hier auch noch die verlinkte Seite bei DW.

#Frage #Fediverse #Friendica #News #LInks #Sascha #2024-03-24 @Friendica Support

Activitypub or Atproto ... one item that both Mastodon have in common with Bluesky is amount of "spam" links and accounts boosting those "spammy" accounts

Several "award winning art / photo" profiles I saw had 5 or more links including their pinned post

Win goes to Bluesky since they seem to have better control of that ... for now

#photography #mastodon
#pixelfed #misskey #lemmy #opensource #foss #bluesky #atproto #fediverse #activitypub

An important distinction is slowly being uncovered about the definition of the term "fediverse." Who is it that gets to decide what this place is? How are we being represented? These are not easy questions to answer and if we don't do a better job describing ourselves, then the job will get done for us by people who don't understand the underlying values we hold. #fediverse #meta #threads

We started this account less than 6 months ago. It's going pretty well – thanks to you: 4.2k followers, lots of interactions, questions, and comments. 🎉

A couple of weeks ago, the European Broadcasting Union (#EBU) asked us to write a guest article about our experience with #Mastodon / the #Fediverse, explain the basics, and point out the advantages. <img class=" title=":mastodon:"/>

Challenge accepted. 👍

So here's the finished post by @lxplm, hot off the #blog press. ⌨️


Latest #FOSSAcademic post: Researching the fediverse from the perspective of individual or instances. In which I draw on an article Christina Dunbar-Hester to talk about researchers' perspectives on the #fediverse, including my own.


[replies to this post will appear as comments on my blog, unless set to followers-only or more private. CWs will work]

We need ActivityPub platforms that go beyond core social media concepts. @bonfire is exploring modular extensions and access control as building blocks for creative ideas.

Here's my guide to the install process on my little homelab system.

#Fediverse #Bonfire #HomeLab #ActivityPub

For our second spotlight we are shining a light on @gamingonlinux who keeps us informed with #Linux #News and #Gaming.

Liam, we can’t imagine the #Fediverse without you. You add so much to the community and you never let the trolls take you down! We also love that your website adheres to the #FediPUG code of conduct.

Thank you for all your hard work! We hope to be reading your articles for many years to come!

#Videogames #Games #PC #SteamDeck #FOSS #OpenSource #Meme #Memes #funny #quote

@wahlhesse Oftmals sind es nicht mal echte Hausmeister, sondern einfach nur Evangelisten, die durch das #Fediverse pilgern und jeden anpflaumen, der sich erfrecht hat, seine selbstbestimmten Regeln zu missachten.
Etwas vom Dümmsten, was ich schon gelesen habe: Leider kann ich deinen Post nicht weiter teilen, da kein Alt-Text enthalten ist. Als ob ich an einer Weiterverbreitung interessiert wäre. Tsss. 🙄
@Sascha 😎 🏴

Mastodon Has A Serious SPAM Problem

"Over the past week or so there has been a serious spam problem hitting mastodon and rest of the fediverse especially misskey over on the japanese side of things and the story behind it is absolutely wild."

#Mastodon #Fediverse #Lemmy #spam #skid #scriptKiddies #DoS #security #openSocialNetworking #misskey #BrodieRobertson #YouTube

PS: if you like Brodie's content, he can also be found on Mastodon: @BrodieOnLinux

Thinking about multi-server aggregations and recommendation systems on decentralized online social networks like the #Fediverse.

Here we see an exploit: someone has created hundreds of fake accounts on different servers to spam the same tag.


#FediBlock and for bridging fediverse folks to Bluesky against their will (and in likely contravention of GDPR in the EU) with typical Silicon Valley techbro sense of entitlement:

“[O]pt in results in far fewer users, and users are critical for a bridge to be useful.”¹

Relevant GitHub issue:


HT @homegrown

#bridgy #snarfed #fediverse #mastodon #bluesky #bridging #optOut #optIn #consent #gdpr #eu #SiliconValley #techbros

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