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Items tagged with: art

the #oldcomputerchallenge brings together not just machine freaks, hackers, or ascetics. Just idling in the irc channel exposes one to many hidden talents.

Mouse-drawn radio by emilio in noodle.

#uxn #art #monochrome

Painting of Lesser Flamingo (Phoenicopterus minor) (1919) By C.G. Finch-Davies (1875-1920)

#art #birds

#bike trailer #train. Of course I could have just loaded all the stuff including the 2nd trailer on one trailer but that would be no fun. My 2nd trailer made at the #BikeChurch in #Eugene #Oregon. Of course I tow my trailer train with the new #tallbike with the sick #anarchy saw blade #art piece #biketooter

#News: Rock #art has been found in #Sulawesi dated 51,000 years old - the oldest known rock art in the world in a narrative style. These places should be in the hands of #indigenous peoples not destroyed for #palmoil #Boycottpalmoil #archaeohistories #Bugis

This is the portrait that made it into the Victorian Artists Society portrait exhibition which opened yesterday. Thuan, the subject of this painting, joined me for the fun! Two of my art class mates were telling him that he looked just like his painting! LOL!

#myart #art #portraiture anything else? BTW any guesses on what genre I can say this fits into that isn't realism?

I would add "coding". Thx for the quote 😀

#art #soul #grow

“Practice any art, music, singing, dancing, acting, drawing, painting, sculpting, poetry, fiction, essays, reportage, no matter how well or badly, not to get money and fame, but to experience becoming, to find out what's inside you, to make your soul grow.”

- Kurt Vonnegut, in his letter to students at New York's Xavier High School in 2006 #art

I don't get to the theater often, but thoroughly enjoyed Pixar's Inside Out 2 with my family.

The storytellers did an excellent job portraying changing emotions & our sense of self in an accessible way for all ages.

It also offers an opportunity to start the conversation - especially with children - about how to understand anxiety.

I highly recommend this one. #film #art

#art #Film

More pottery work in progress from my cherry picking series--another bear and new cardinal design!!!

#pottery #art #arte #ceramic #kentucky #mastoArt #handmade #birds #cardinal #bear

It's pottery season again!!!
I just shared photos of the first batch of pots to come out of the kiln on my website. Most of the pots are inspired by my cherry tree -- and all the animals that would eat the cherries while I wasn't looking. Here's one of my favorite: a bowl

#pottery #art #handmade #kentucky #cherries #birds #bear #arte #ceramica #

More Truchet tiles, this time on a grid. These are so endlessly fun to iterate with.

CMYK archival inks on 11x15 watercolor paper using a vintage HP 7585B pen plotter generated and controlled with Python.

#PenPlotter #GenerativeArt #CreativeCoding #MastoArt #Art #ArtForSale #Artist #ArtForSaleByArtist #PenPlotterArt #PenPlot

Are you an introvert?

Terrific explainer by #comic #art

Apple's new iPad ad hasn't gone down well with creatives, according to @AxiosNews. The commercial showed a massive hydraulic press crushing musical instruments, arcade games, cameras and paint cans, and reopening to reveal just an iPad. "I'm definitely the target audience for the new iPad Pro but this ad is tone-deaf and insulting to artists of every kind," wrote cartoonist James Kochalka on X. "We think of our tools with reverence and respect, and enjoy a healthy dialogue with them. Our tools are like trusted companions on the journey of art." Here's more.

#Apple #iPad #Art #Creativity #Culture #Tech

I will probably delete this toot later.
I have seen AI-generated images containing the same elements (e.g. an AI-generated image with the same amount of cats, two small, and one large white cat with intricate golden patterns, a lotus flower, and a remaining coin at the top) & the same colors in my artwork. I especially mean the right picture in the three-pictured layout.

How should I feel about such situations?

#art #mastoart #fediart

An early painting with traditional gouache. I'd like to do another painting of a saw-whet sometime soon, they are the perfect small owl.

#art #birds #owl

York Cathedral — capitals and pendants.
Frederick Mackenzie, from "Cathedral Antiquities of England," by John Britton, vol. 1 London: 1814-1835 #illustration #art

unnamed, and still: A lichen-led artwork about language, borders and (artificial?) intelligence. Two years into this project and I'm still learning.

If anyone would like to buy a unique drawing or support the work, see more at

#art #lichen #fundraiser

👑 🐰🌿 . Happy Sunday! 🙂 from the Queen of Coins #art #mastoart #fediart

Made a video to help other artists deal with the anxiety caused by AI Art. Hope it helps! =D

#youtube #generativeAI #illustration #art

The “History” channel 😆

I simply adore this comic by Sketching Science #science #art

Cette image évoque un tableau du peintre romantique allemand Caspar David Friedrich.
#image#photo #peinture #romantisme #art

'Complect' (2024)

A new interactive #art installation based on crustose lichen and their interconnectivity.

The drawn lines are weaved from conductive wire connected to Raspberry Pi Picos. They all link together, and the parts speak to one another, with electricity flowing through their protozoan boundaries following their own rhythms and patterns, changing the lights and shadows.

Based on research from a residency at Artlink Fort Dunree (2022-23).


Some days, I happen upon a LEGO scene like this & find myself eager to hear the full story. #lego #art
#art #lego

neopossum emojis

so, i'm releasing neopossum emojis!
...v0.5! so, not the complete set!

i've been working on this for awhile, but right now i'm a bit stuck trying to work on them. but, i figure i don't wanna keep this held back, so i might as well release what i've done thus far!

license and attribution files are included in the ZIP, this is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, based on work done by!

do note: this does come with some emojis specifically starting with "neofox" and "neocat", specifically the ones that snuggle a neopossum. so, this works well if you already have neofox and neocat emojis!

256px PNGs:
2048px PNGs:

#art #emoji #emojis

Eddystone Lighthouse surrounded by waves.
Amilcar de Lafage, from "Les merveilles de la science," vol. 4 by Louis Figuier, Paris: 1870 #illustration #art

Meet ✨ Noble Numbat ✨. :blobcat:
Inspired by Ubuntu release 24.04 LTS which is scheduled for release in April 2024!
It took over a month to paint this artwork. I made it with my favorite open source tools, Krita & Blender. #art #mastoart #fediart #illustration #krita #blender3d

Every year, students around the world submit videos to a "Dance Your PhD" contest. The goal is to "explain your research through interpretive dance."

This year's fabulous winner, Weliton Menário Costa, explores kangaroo behavior & promotes diversity. It is, by far, the best I've ever seen.

Go watch! #science #dance #art #animals

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