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Items tagged with: tv

What #film or #tv show - (past or current) brings you joy?

Right now I find Julia (on Max) just delightful. The series follows Julia Child as she creates The French Chef.

While I admit I may be biased given I work on a PBS #food show, I don’t think that’s it. The actors are outstanding & it’s beautifully filmed - the colors are somehow both realistic & richer than real life. Characters are people I want to spend time with & every episode makes me smile.

#tv #Film #food

I am a late 30s #gay man living in lutruwita/Tasmania, Australia. Happily married and with two pugs, Oscar and Stanley.

I am anxious and often depressed but try to cover it with good vibes, thot pics and bad dancing.

I consume waaay too much #PopCulture particularly #ScienceFiction #fantasy #books, #movies and #tv. Also do a fair bit of #gaming on #PS5 #Xbox and #Switch.

Other interests include #lgbtqia issues, #sustainability, #vegan, #MentalHealth, #weightlifting, #running, #yoga and #Lego

A wee bit of personal news…

The National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences has announced this year’s regional Emmy nominations & Serving up Science, the quirky PBS series I write & host, has received two - including one for host ☺️ #tv

You really never know where a career in #science will lead. It’s an honor to be nominated & I’m incredibly grateful to work with such a wonderful team at WKAR!

Adam Conover Roasts CNN’s Boss, On CNN, Over Writers Strike

Once Again Corporate Greed & CEOS are the Cause....

I walked a picket line the last time the writers had to strike.....

#CurrentEvents #TV #Film #PayThePeople #FairWages

Just learned Serving Up Science - the quirky PBS series I write & host - has been recognized with two Broadcast Excellence Awards from the Michigan Association of Broadcasters. We won Best Mini-Documentary or Series & Best Use of Multiplatform Media. #science #tv

So lucky to work with our incredible WKAR team!

Are there any developers out there interested in making a Film & TV review/discussion platform for the Fediverse?

Almost every time I've mentioned the Fediverse's excellent book platform @bookwyrm ( there have been people asking whether a film/TV version would be possible.

Does this sound doable to devs? Maybe it could use wikidata ( for film data the same way BookWyrm and @inventaire do with books?

If you know someone looking for new Fediverse ideas, could you pass this on to them?

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