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Items tagged with: environment

#News: A study has found that, just like people, #parrots have different dialects – and their "accents" shift as their #environment changes. Help parrots and other animals survive, be #vegan and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife

Turns out ecologists and entomologists around the world have been warning about declining insect numbers for years. The culprits are climate change, habitat loss, light pollution, intensive farming, pesticide and fertiliser use. But it’s a struggle to get people to act.

It’s not just about bees and butterflies, the poster children of the pollinator world. Other, less photogenic pollinators such as hoverflies, moths, wasps, soldier beetles and earwigs are also showing declines. Several of these species don’t just pollinate. They also eat the pest insects that ruin crops.

Already, in the apple and pear orchards of south-west China, depleted populations of pollinators have forced farmers to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower. If it sounds labour-intensive and time-consuming, that’s because it is.

#green #ukpolitics #uspol #ukpol #climate #environment #insects #agriculture #farming

We know so little of the hidden world beneath the seas. This is a perfect example of why it is so risky to just power ahead and start mining our oceans.

#environment #ocean

An Amazon free from oil and gas #Amazon #environment #fossilfuel #fossilfuels #oil #gas

Air pollution harms pollinators more than pests, study finds #environment #pollinators #AirPollution

New #research finds #mangroves store up to 70% #carbon after 20 years of growth and are naturally protective to the #environment #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

Allegations widen against Indonesian palm oil giant Astra Agro Lestari #Indonesia #environment #PalmOil #AstraAgroLestari

Latest comic: The Supreme Court ruling overturning the Chevron doctrine was largely overlooked in the wake of the debate, but possibly even more apocalyptic. In short, the Republican majority gutted the precedent that gave deference to scientists and other experts at setting regulations for air and water pollution and food safety.

#supremecourt #environment #uspol #cartoon #pollution #science #law

Indonesian palm oil firm clashes with villagers it allegedly shortchanged #Indonesia #environment #PalmOil

Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure

In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone

#Indonesia #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil #AnimalRights #agriculture #AnimalAgriculture #meat #beef

Malaysia plans to give orangutans to countries that buy palm oil | Malaysia | The Guardian

Uhm, bizarre move

#Malaysia #PalmOil #Nature #Environment

Latest palm oil deforester in Indonesia may also be operating illegally #Indonesia #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil

Reading this🧵? Your blood probably contains some amount of toxic #foreverchemicals made by #3m

Enough to spike your risk of cancers & illnesses?

Without a blood test, you have no idea.

Why is their toxin running in your veins?

Well, 3M & #dupont kept the harms secret even as their toxins were incorporated into...everything.

From french fry bags to chairs.

They gaslit their own scientists.

& regularly dumped, creating toxic zones. 1/

#environment #pollution

Oil palm plantations are driving massive downstream impact to watershed

Oil palm plantations are driving massive downstream impact to watershed

#environment #water #PalmOil

In the last few years it is likely that PepsiCo has been using in its production palm oil from deforested land claimed by the Shipibo-Konibo people in eastern Peru, a new investigation has found.

by Andrew Wasley, Aramís Castro, Elisângela Mendonça

#News #Environment #Conservation #Investigation #IndigenousPeoples #FoodIndustry #PalmOil #LandRights

Despite gains in Brazil, forest destruction still 'stubbornly' high: Report #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation

Tropical forest loss puts 2030 zero-deforestation target further out of reach #environment #forest #deforestation

Deforestation harms biodiversity of the Amazon's perfume-loving orchid bees #Amazon #environment #biodiversity #forest #deforestation #bees

#Road building almost always precedes #forest loss, and road density is by far the strongest correlate of #deforestation out of 38 #biophysical and #socioeconomic factors.
Findings of the study imply that the most vital #conservation function of protected areas is limiting roads and road-related environmental disruption. They suggest that burgeoning, poorly studied ghost roads are among the gravest of all direct #threats to #tropical forests.

#asia #nature #environment

PalmWatch platform pushes for farm-to-fork traceability of palm oil #environment #PalmOil

You know what? In the capitalist bizarro-world, it's a crime to protest *against* ecocide and homicide committed by Big Oil.

#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateAction #JustStopOil

Brazil: Stop land grabbing and violence for “fair and sustainable” palm oil! #Brazil #environment #PalmOil

Palm oil deforestation persists in Indonesia’s Leuser amid new mills, plantations #Indonesia #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil

There is only one planet ever discovered so far, that can support human life.

And that's the one e live on.

#Nature #Earth #environment

8 in 10 lizards could be at risk due to deforestation

Deforestation Could Put 84% of North American Lizards at Risk, Study Says

#America #environment #wildlife #lizards #deforestation

Ten years since anti-deforestation pledge, corporate world still not doing enough #environment #forest #forests #deforestation #corporations

Authorities struggle to protect Bolivian national park from drug-fueled deforestation #Bolivia #environment #NationalPark #forest #deforestation #drugs

Dairy farmers accused of ‘radical’ damage to landscape #AnimalRights #nature #environment #milk #dairy

As oil palm plantations encroach on rainforests, wild primates increasingly enter them to forage, where they face the threat of being eaten by feral dogs, killed for raiding crops, or caught by traffickers for the pet trade.

A new study from Peninsular Malaysia finds that exposure to oil plantations also significantly increases the risk of death among infant southern pig-tailed macaques.

by Spoorthy Raman

#NEws #Conservation #Environment #Wildlife #PalmOil

Converting rainforest to plantation impacts food webs and biodiversity #rainforest #environment #food #FoodProduction #biodiversity #ecosystem #ecosystems #wildlife #rubber #PalmOil

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