Items tagged with: agriculture
The Blue-backed Parrot 🦜 of the #Philippines 🇵🇭 is #endangered due to massive #deforestation for #palmoil 🌴🪔🥩🔥⛔️ and #meat #agriculture. Support their survival in the supermarket, be #vegan and #BoycottPalmOil 🫶 #Boycott4Wildlife
Blue-backed Parrot Tanygnathus everetti
Blue-backed Parrot Tanygnathus everetti Endangered Location: Philippines Nearly one-third of parrot species in the world are threatened with extinction. According to a 2021 study, current protected…Palm Oil Detectives
Southern White-cheeked Gibbon Nomascus siki
Listed as Endangered based on a suspected population reduction of at least 50% over the past 45 years (three generations), primarily due to logging, agricultural encroachment, and hunting, and a su…Palm Oil Detectives
Milky Storks are wetlands-dwelling #birds of #Indonesia #Malaysia 🦢🪶🩷 They're #endangered by #deforestation #pollution and #agriculture. Boycott the brands destroying their home #BoycottPalmOil 🌴🤮🩸🔥☠️⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife
Milky Stork Mycteria cinerea
The Milky Stork is a striking wading bird native to Southeast Asia’s coastal mangroves and wetlands. Recognisable by their predominantly white plumage and contrasting black flight feathers, they pl…Palm Oil Detectives
Fragile Mount Nimba Reed #Frogs 🐸💚 hang on to life in Côte d'Ivoire 🇨🇮 #Africa. Seldom seen and often forgotten, they're #endangered due to #palmoil #meat #agriculture. Fight for their survival when you #BoycottMeat #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Mount Nimba Reed Frog Hyperolius nimbae
Fragile Mount Nimba Reed #Frogs 🐸💚 hang on to life in Côte d’Ivoire 🇨🇮 #Africa. Seldom seen and often forgotten, they’re #endangered due to #palmoil #meat #agriculture. Fight for their …Palm Oil Detectives
Colossal count shows dire lion numbers in Uganda
A huge survey of lions & large carnivores in Uganda finds that while the result isn’t uniformly bad, there is a lot that’s troubling.Ellen Phiddian (Cosmos Magazine)
Southern Patas Monkey Erythrocebus baumstarki
The Southern Patas Monkey Erythrocebus baumstarki is an imperiled rare primate of East Africa’s savannahs. They are critically endangered due to multiple human-related threats including habitat los…Palm Oil Detectives
The Blue-backed Parrot 🦜 of the #Philippines 🇵🇭 is #endangered due to massive #deforestation for #palmoil 🌴🪔🥩🔥⛔️ and #meat #agriculture. Support their survival in the supermarket, be #vegan and #BoycottPalmOil 🫶 #Boycott4Wildlife
Blue-backed Parrot Tanygnathus everetti
Blue-backed Parrot Tanygnathus everetti Endangered Location: Philippines Nearly one-third of parrot species in the world are threatened with extinction. According to a 2021 study, current protected…Palm Oil Detectives
The leggy Southern Patas Monkey is critically endangered in #Tanzania and extinct in #Kenya due to #agriculture and #bushmeat. They have no known conservation activities. Take action! and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🧐💪👇
Southern Patas Monkey Erythrocebus baumstarki
Southern Patas Monkeys have a lanky and long-limbed appearance. Juveniles possess a reddish-brown crown which may become grey in adults. Their back and flanks are covered with shaggy reddish fur wi…Palm Oil Detectives
#Agriculture is destroying the planet - algae is a #climatechange resilient answer as it requires no land to grow, has a superb nutrient profile for #humanhealth and much more #Boycottpalmoil go #vegan #Boycott4Wildlife
Humble Algae: The Solution to Palm Oil Ecocide
Consumers, businesses and researchers have shown growing interest in microalgae in recent years. Use of Arthrospira platensis (spirulina) as a food supplement is one example. Others include how mic…Palm Oil Detectives
Long before chubby #MooDeng 🦛💔 the baby pygmy #hippo chonk became an #socialmedia sensation, #Liberia's #forests were being pulped for #palmoil #cocoa and #tobacco #agriculture 😡 Help her and 1000s of others to survive! Be #Vegan and #Boycott4Wildlife
Pygmy Hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis
Long before chubby #MooDeng 🦛💔 the baby pygmy hippo chonk became an #socialmedia sensation, the forest habitat of the beautiful pygmy #Hippo 🦛of #Guinea #Liberia 🇱🇷 #Africa was being razed for palm…Palm Oil Detectives
Spectacled Bears are the original peace-loving Paddington Bear in #Venezuela #Colombia #Peru #Ecuador. Threatened by #agriculture #mining and hunting - fight for them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Spectacled Bear Tremarctos ornatus
Spectacled bears are known as the ‘peaceful and gentle bear’. They are the only bear living in the tropics of South America. Like many other animals in tropical ecosystems they are enda…Palm Oil Detectives
Want food security? Eat less meat, major report says.
Europe’s top farming university is calling for smaller livestock herds and a shift toward plant-based diets.Alessandro Ford (POLITICO)
Long before chubby #MooDeng 🦛💔 the baby pygmy #hippo chonk became an #socialmedia sensation, #Liberia's #forests were being pulped for #palmoil #cocoa and #tobacco #agriculture 😡 Help her and 1000s of others to survive! Be #Vegan and #Boycott4Wildlife
Pygmy Hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis
Pygmy Hippopotamus Choeropsis liberiensis Endangered Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Ivory Coast. Nigeria (Extinct) The Pygmy Hippopotamus is rarely seen because of its secretive, nocturnal habits a…Palm Oil Detectives
Trees worldwide face extinction threat, surpassing endangered animal species
More than a third of the world’s tree species are now at risk of extinction, with impacts rippling across ecosystems that depend on them for habitat, food and carbon absorption. Helen Briggs reports for BBC.EHN Curators (EHN)
Andean Mountain Cat Leopardus jacobita
Known affectionately as ‘huana titi’ or ‘the cat from dry places’ by locals, the Andean mountain cat captivates with their mystery and elegance. This cat boasts an exceptional sense of hearing, att…Palm Oil Detectives
The ultra fluffy and elusive Andean Mountain #Cat 🐱 hunts by the light of the full moon 🌕🌙 They're #endangered from multiple threats including #agriculture and #mining. Fight for them every time you shop #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Andean Mountain Cat Leopardus jacobita
Known affectionately as ‘huana titi’ or ‘the cat from dry places’ by locals, the Andean mountain cat captivates with their mystery and elegance. This cat boasts an exceptional sense of hearing, att…Palm Oil Detectives
A new pandemic could ride in on animals we eat, researchers warn
Researchers warn the animals we eat could be the gateway for a pandemic in the form of antimicrobial resistance, unleashing a wave of deadly superbugs.ScienceDaily
Turns out ecologists and entomologists around the world have been warning about declining insect numbers for years. The culprits are climate change, habitat loss, light pollution, intensive farming, pesticide and fertiliser use. But it’s a struggle to get people to act.
It’s not just about bees and butterflies, the poster children of the pollinator world. Other, less photogenic pollinators such as hoverflies, moths, wasps, soldier beetles and earwigs are also showing declines. Several of these species don’t just pollinate. They also eat the pest insects that ruin crops.
Already, in the apple and pear orchards of south-west China, depleted populations of pollinators have forced farmers to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower. If it sounds labour-intensive and time-consuming, that’s because it is.
#green #ukpolitics #uspol #ukpol #climate #environment #insects #agriculture #farming
Indonesian palm oil, Brazilian beef top contributors to U.S. deforestation exposure
In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone
#Indonesia #Brazil #environment #forest #deforestation #PalmOil #AnimalRights #agriculture #AnimalAgriculture #meat #beef
In Brazil, 76% of deforestation in three Amazonian states occurred in a planned agricultural development zone
The Brazilian government is discussing the creation of an "agricultural development zone" at the confluence of three states in the Amazon region—Amazonas, Acre, and Rondônia (hence the proposed acronym AMACRO).Luciana Constantino (
Marsh Deer Blastocerus dichotomus
The Marsh deer are South America’s largest deer species, uniquely adapted to wetland life with their web-like hooves and preference for aquatic plants. They are prey animals for jaguars and p…Palm Oil Detectives
Marsh Deer live most of their lives in #wetlands of #Argentina #Peru #Bolivia #Brazil #Paraguay eating wetland plants. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #agriculture and #mining. Fight for them and #Boycott4Wildlife
Marsh Deer Blastocerus dichotomus
The Marsh deer are South America’s largest deer species, uniquely adapted to wetland life with their web-like hooves and preference for aquatic plants. They are prey animals for jaguars and p…Palm Oil Detectives
Food Without Agriculture
In a 2023 article published in Nature Sustainability, researchers write that food production can be more sustainable by focusing less on traditional agriculture and more on alternative methods, lik…Palm Oil Detectives
#TragedyOfEnclosure #CattleWreckedLandscape: The Atlantic Forest, located along Brazil’s southern coast, has been in dire straits for decades, with expanding cities and #agriculture leaving only a small fraction of the #forest standing today. But the situation might be even worse than previously thought.
Several thousand tree species in the forest are threatened with extinction, a new study has found. Over 80% of endemic tree species are at risk of going extinct — and that’s a conservative estimate, the researchers said.
#StopDeterioratingCarbonSinks #deforestationfootprint #ViolentRanchers #BigAgro #StopInstallingKleptocratsForResourcesPredation
Thousands of tree species at risk of extinction in Atlantic Forest: study
The Atlantic Forest, located along Brazil’s southern coast, has been in dire straits for decades, with expanding cities and agriculture leaving only a small fraction of the forest standing today.alexandrapopescu (Conservation news)
A new hope for algae biofuel (microalgae, that is)
#algae #biofuels #biofuel #microalgae #fuels #energy #decarbonization #carboncapture #carbonemissions #aquaculture #agriculture #biobased #bioeconomy #bioenergy #renewableenergy #renewable #sdg7 #sustainableenergy #energytransition #science #research
Algae Biofuel Rises From Grave To Haunt Fossil Fuel Stakeholders
After ExxonMobil walks away, algae biofuel gets another shot at success and the US Department of Energy is here for it.Tina Casey (CleanTechnica)
#BoycottPalmOil #SiblingBeings #IndigenousBiodiversity #WebOfLife #DeterioratingCarbonSinks
In the Shadows of Extinction: Orangutans
Our distant cousin, the orangutan, has been listed as “Critically Endangered” in the IUCN list. On International Orangutan Day, celebrated on August 19 every year, Assaf Levy explores their ecological significance and the dangers that threaten their …The Meghalayan Bureau (The Meghalayan)
Ag Dept employees received an unwelcome surprise in a new dress code issued last week that seems aimed at oppressing #transgender and #nonbinary workers, reports Digital Editor Kit @oconnell based on a document leaked to us:
#transphobia #LGBTQIA+ #news #politics #USpol #trans #HumanRights #GregAbbott #Republicans
Ag Commissioner Sid Miller’s New Transphobic Dress Code
An April 13 memo from the Department of Agriculture welcomes “Western wear” but requires employees to dress according to “biological gender.”Kit O'Connell (The Texas Observer)
Neither article is my area of expertise, per se, but I made substantial contributions to both and learned a lot.
It's a great reminder that #science is a team sport. It's better and more productive to work together!
#Agriculture #Agroecology #SciWrit #Academia #Research