Items tagged with: paraguay
Marsh Deer Blastocerus dichotomus
The Marsh deer are South America’s largest deer species, uniquely adapted to wetland life with their web-like hooves and preference for aquatic plants. They are prey animals for jaguars and p…Palm Oil Detectives
Marsh Deer live most of their lives in #wetlands of #Argentina #Peru #Bolivia #Brazil #Paraguay eating wetland plants. They are #vulnerable from #palmoil #agriculture and #mining. Fight for them and #Boycott4Wildlife
Marsh Deer Blastocerus dichotomus
The Marsh deer are South America’s largest deer species, uniquely adapted to wetland life with their web-like hooves and preference for aquatic plants. They are prey animals for jaguars and p…Palm Oil Detectives
Arte contra la deshumanización digital: paremos a los robots asesinos
actividades artísticas desde @tedicpy para ofrecer una mirada crítica a los desafíos éticos y sociales que enfrentamos en la era digital
Arte contra la deshumanización digital: paremos a los robots asesinos
En un esfuerzo conjunto por sensibilizar y movilizar a la sociedad sobre dos temas críticos actuales: la deshumanización digital y el creciente desarrollo de armas autónomas letales (o robots asesinos), desde TEDIC llevamos a cabo tres actividades si…TEDIC