Items tagged with: Ecuador
Spectacled Bears are the original peace-loving Paddington Bear in #Venezuela #Colombia #Peru #Ecuador. Threatened by #agriculture #mining and hunting - fight for them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Spectacled Bear Tremarctos ornatus
Spectacled bears are known as the ‘peaceful and gentle bear’. They are the only bear living in the tropics of South America. Like many other animals in tropical ecosystems they are enda…Palm Oil Detectives
Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin Cebus aequatorialis
Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin Cebus aequatorialis Extant (resident) Ecuador; Peru Critically Endangered The Ecuardorian White-fronted Capuchin is affected by deforestation and hunting for bushm…Palm Oil Detectives
Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin Cebus aequatorialis
Ecuadorian White-fronted Capuchin Cebus aequatorialis Extant (resident) Ecuador; Peru Critically Endangered The Ecuardorian White-fronted Capuchin is affected by deforestation and hunting for bushm…Palm Oil Detectives
Wildlife Artist Juanchi Pérez in His Own Words
Juanchi Pérez is a talented and well-established designer, illustrator and artist from Ecuador who captures the soulful presence of rare rainforest animals near his home. He is passionate about sha…Palm Oil Detectives
Off Ecuador's Galapagos, a former #shark-#poaching ship's new mission
When #Ecuador's navy seized a Chinese-flagged ship off the #Galapagos in 2017, its hold brimmed with tons and tons of poached #fish including hammerhead and thresher #sharks. Today, the vessel has been repurposed for environmental patrols of those same waters, helping to hunt down predatory vessels of the kind it once was. It has also been renamed #Hualcopo for an Indigenous leader of centuries ago.
Off Ecuador's Galapagos, a former shark-poaching ship's new mission
When Ecuador's navy seized a Chinese-flagged ship off the Galapagos Islands in 2017, its hold brimmed with tons and tons of poached fish, many of them threatened species like hammerhead and thresher sharks.Enrique ORTIZ (
Video: Ecuadorian White Fronted Capuchin - critically endangered
Ecuador faces challenge in ending oil extraction in national park
Ecuador's struggle to honor a referendum demanding an end to oil drilling in Yasuní national park highlights deep economic divisions.Kimberley Brown reports for The Guardian.EHN Curators (EHN)
Ecuador: Stop land grabbing and racial discrimination for palm oil!
Communities in northern Ecuador are fighting back against land grabbing and deforestation by the palm oil
Ola Bini y la criminalización del conocimiento
por @derechosdigital
Ola Bini y la criminalización del conocimiento
El viernes 5 de abril de 2024, más de un año después de que se declarara la inocencia de Ola Bini, un tribunal de apelaciones revocó el fallo de inocencia dictado en 2023 y lo condenó a un año de prisión y a una multa.Derechos Digitales
#FreeOlaBini: no a la criminalización de la defensa de derechos digitales
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil rechazan el uso indebido del sistema judicial en el caso de Ola Bini en #Ecuador y exigen el respeto al debido proceso y a los derechos humanos
#FreeOlaBini: no a la criminalización de la defensa de derechos digitales | Sursiendo
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil rechazan la criminalización de la defensa de derechos digitales y el uso indebido del sistema judicial en el caso de Ola…sursiendo (Sursiendo)
Hello #Fediverse! We're a #vegan permaculture community on 136 hectares in #Ecuador.
We bought the land 9 years ago and have since planted hundreds of fruit trees (not including hundreds of bananas, 14 varieties!). The project was established to create the first open regenerative vegan intentional community in the tropics of South America.
Our community includes several long-term members and we welcome new volunteers, renters and interested members. If anyone would like to come and experience a 100% plant-based lifestyle and help us in our goals of sustainable and regenerative planting of fruit trees, please visit our website for more information and to apply to join us
Info - Terra Frutis
Traveling The first objective is to arrive in Ecuador. It is important for all to research specific requirements regarding travel to Ecuador from their respective countries! Cover all aspects, such as providing proof of onward travel and booking appr…Terra Frutis
Wildlife Artist and Animal Rights Advocate Juanchi Pérez in His Own Words
Juanchi Pérez is a talented and well-established designer, illustrator and artist from Ecuador who captures the soulful presence of rare rainforest animals near his home. He is passionate about sha…Palm Oil Detectives
Wildlife Artist and Animal Rights Advocate Juanchi Pérez in His Own Words
Juanchi Pérez is a talented and well-established designer, illustrator and artist from Ecuador who captures the soulful presence of rare rainforest animals near his home. He is passionate about sha…Palm Oil Detectives
Organizaciones de la sociedad civil rechazan intentos de silenciar y criminalizar movimientos sociales en el contexto de protesta en Ecuador y exigen que se respeten los derechos humanos
Las organizaciones y activistas firmantes rechazamos firmemente la violenta represión, las detenciones arbitrarias y el uso de tecnologías de la vigilancia para amedrentar, hostigar…Sursiendo
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