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Items tagged with: bird

The rate at which #bird species are going #extinct has increased dramatically and is happening much faster than we previously thought. Help birds of the #Amazon survive when you #Boycottmeat #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetectives

Happy New Year!!!
This is my last shot of 2023: rainbow bee-eater in Myall Lakes NP in Eastern #Australia enjoying a cicada

#biodiversity #birdphotography #wildlife #birds #birdsofmastodon #bird #ecology #rainbow

I made this chart in 2019 and included error bars where available to might help with some questions.

from 10/08/2019 and this tweet

#Bird #deaths annually by hazard. #Cats kill 10,000 times more birds than #wind #turbines. Even oil pits (!) kill three times as many. Improved visualization inspired by @1a story today using @Tableau and data from

January 11 is World Sketchnote Day! If you have sketchnotes please post them & tag them with #sketchnote & #snday2023. Hereโ€™s one of my sketchnotes showing the highlights of a visit to Sequoia National Park in Spring.

#SciArt #SciArtist #art #illustration #watercolor #sketchbook #sketchnotes #NatureJournal #NatureJournaling #Sequoia #NationalPark #MastoArt #ArtistsOnMastodon #mushroom #bird #birding #woodpecker

Ghost #bird. I did this some time ago.
I like eerie creatures even though I am not really good at depicting them, but I try my best ๐Ÿฆ This one is supposed to be part of a story which I know how it starts and how it ends, but there is not much in between as to now ๐Ÿ˜„

#art #digitalart #mastoart

Our friendly magpie was back today, foraging for worms and bugs in the backyard, with a new friend, a Pied Currawong.

They seemed to get along ok together.

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Weโ€™ve been visited by a very tame magpie. He seems to like peanuts (chopped) but not birdseed. Technically I should feed him mealworms, or earthworms but I donโ€™t have any handy (funny that).

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# is on. The # couple had come for seed and we have Pepsรฌ visiting. Heโ€™s intently watching the birds.

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BirdLife Australia is releasing an album of threatened bird calls.

#AustralianWildlife #bird

Hand feeding a juvenile male King Parrot ๐Ÿ˜€

#video #bird #AustralianWildlife

New King Parrot friend is now eating from my hand, much to the consternation of the cockatoos.
#bird #KingParrot #AustralianWildlife

Another new bird! A Great Bowerbird, spotted in Chillagoe. The male (with the pink crest) was displaying for three females in the hope of mating. He was ultimately unsuccessful on this attempt, but Iโ€™m sure he gave it another go after we left.

#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #GreatBowerbird

Not the best photos, since he was off the track and hidden in the undergrowth, but here is the Tooth-billed Bowerbird, which also only lives on and around the Atherton Tablelands. I have a sound recording of his call too, which I'll post when I can get it off the phone.

#bird #photo #nature #ToothBilledBowerbird #AustralianWildlife

After hearing them all over the Daintree Rainforest and Atherton Tablelands, I finally saw a Victoria's Riflebird. This is a female (I heard the male, but it wasn't coming down from the tree tops).

These birds only live around this area (Atherton -> Daintree) and are one of three Qld species of Riflebirds.

#bird #photo #AustralianWildlife #nature #VictoriasRiflebird

I also found a Brown-capped Emerald-Dove (well two of them actually) along the same stream the platypus was in.

#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #BrownCappedEmeraldDove

Also, another new bird for me, the Macleayโ€™s Honeyeater. This bird only occurs on the Atherton Tablelands.

#bird #photo #AustralianWildlife #MacleaysHoneyeater #nature

Took some finding, but I found a Golden Bowerbird (and bower). These guys only occur in a small part of far north Qld and only above 900m elevation.

#bird #photo #nature #AustralianWildlife #GoldenBowerbird

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