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Items tagged with: Thailand

Dusky Langurs are beautiful primate threatened by #palmoil #deforestation in #Malaysia #Myanmar and #Thailand. Help them by supporting @LangurPenang and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife the supermarket brands destroying their home via @palmoildetect

Endangered in #Indonesia #Malaysia #Cambodia #Vietnam and #Thailand the Hairy-nosed Otter is already extinct in #India and #Myanmar. Their main threat is #rainforest destruction for #palmoil #meat and timber agriculture #Boycott4Wildlife

Siamangs are known for their booming boisterous calls. #Endangered in #Indonesia #Malaysia #Thailand from threats incl. #palmoil #deforestation. and the #pettrade. They have no known conservation in place. Help them and #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

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