Items tagged with: sumatra
With shimmering lilac, green and blue plumage, the Sumatran Ground Cuckoo 🦜 is an enigmatic songstress of #Sumatra #Indonesia. Critically endangered from #palmoil #ecocide. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴⛔️
Sumatran Ground-cuckoo Carpococcyx viridis
The Sumatran Ground Cuckoo, a reclusive bird endemic to Sumatra’s dense forests who captivate with their distinctive iridescent plumage. They lived peacefully in the rainforest until its decimation…Palm Oil Detectives
Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus
The Sumatran elephant is a critically endangered subspecies of the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), confined to the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. As one of the world’s largest land mammals, they…Palm Oil Detectives
Sumatran Mesia Leiothrix laurinae
The Sumatran Mesia, also known as Leiothrix laurinae, is an exquisite song #bird endemic to the misty montane forests of #Sumatra, #Indonesia. With their striking plumage of yellow, red, and black …Palm Oil Detectives
Forgotten #primate 🙊🐒 Pig-tailed Snub-nosed #Langur is now critically endangered on tiny islands near #Sumatra #Indonesia 🇮🇩 from #palmoil #deforestation and hunting pressures. Help them survive #BoycottPalmOil 🌴☠️⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife
Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Langur Simias concolor
The Pig-tailed Snub-nosed Langur, also known as the Pig-tailed Langur, is one of the most distinctive and endangered monkeys in the world. Known for their short, upturned noses and unique pig-like …Palm Oil Detectives
Satellite imagery identifies disturbing problem in national park — here's why experts are concerned
Recent satellite images reveal the shocking extent of deforestation in Indonesia's Tesso Nilo National Park.Juliana Marino (The Cool Down)
Malay Tapirs are gorgeous creatures living in #Sumatra #Myanmar #Thailand #Indonesia they are endangered by palmoil #deforestation. We can protect them when we make supermarket choices #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect
Malayan Tapir Tapirus indicus
Malayan Tapir Tapirus indicus Endangered Indonesia (Sumatera); Malaysia; Myanmar; Thailand Malayan #Tapirs are gorgeous creatures living in #Sumatra #Myanmar #Thailand #Indonesia they are endangere…Palm Oil Detectives
Malayan Tapir Tapirus indicus
Malayan Tapir Tapirus indicus Endangered Indonesia (Sumatera); Malaysia; Myanmar; Thailand Malayan #Tapirs are gorgeous creatures living in #Sumatra #Myanmar #Thailand #Indonesia they are endangere…Palm Oil Detectives
Sumatran Rhino Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
The Sumatran rhinoceros, the smallest and hairiest of all rhino species, is a living relic of the Pleistocene epoch. Often referred to as “living fossils,” they are more closely related to the exti…Palm Oil Detectives
#News: 🌴 #Sumatra’s Tesso Nilo National Park has lost 78% of its rainforest since 2009 to palm oil plantations. 🐅 Fewer than 400 Sumatran #tigers remain, and deforestation continues in 2024.
Fight back! #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥⛔️
Satellite data show bursts of deforestation continue in Indonesian national park
When the Indonesian government established Tesso Nilo National Park in 2004 on a former logging concession, little could it have known that the legacy of logging and deforestation would continue years after granting it official protection.Morgan Erickson-Davis (Conservation news)
Sumatran Ground-cuckoo Carpococcyx viridis
The Sumatran Ground Cuckoo, a reclusive bird endemic to Sumatra’s dense forests who captivate with their distinctive iridescent plumage. They lived peacefully in the rainforest until its decimation…Palm Oil Detectives
With shimmering lilac, green and blue plumage, the Sumatran Ground Cuckoo 🦜 is an enigmatic songstress of #Sumatra #Indonesia. Critically endangered from #palmoil #ecocide. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴⛔️
Sumatran Ground-cuckoo Carpococcyx viridis
The Sumatran Ground Cuckoo, a reclusive bird endemic to Sumatra’s dense forests who captivate with their distinctive iridescent plumage. They lived peacefully in the rainforest until its decimation…Palm Oil Detectives
The mighty and majestic #tiger 🐅🐯 of #Sumatra are on the brink of #extinction from #palmoil and #mining #deforestation. Less than 400 remain alive! 😭Use your wallet as a weapon and fight for them #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥🚫
Tiger Panthera tigris
Tigers, primarily native to Asia’s tropical forests, have seen their habitats shrink dramatically over time. Notably, the Amur Tiger endures in Russia, and there have been sightings of these …Palm Oil Detectives
Sumatran Rhino Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
Sumatran Rhino Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Critically Endangered Population: 34-47 living in the wild Celebrate the world’s smallest rhino 🦏 🩵💔 the critically endangered Sumatran #Rhino. They fa…Palm Oil Detectives
My name is Craig Jones, I'm a #wildlife photographer. Here is my eyewitness account of rescuing an #orangutan mother and baby from an #RSPO "sustainable" #palmoil plantation in #Sumatra. We #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥🛢️⛔
Eyewitness by Craig Jones: A mother and baby orangutan are rescued from an RSPO palm oil plantation in Sumatra
Craig Jones: Eyewitness Wildlife Photographer and Conservationist Bio: Craig Jones One of Britain’s finest wildlife photographers, Craig Jones is also one of the most humble and down-to-earth guys …Palm Oil Detectives
Indonesian mother imprisoned for protesting palm oil factory next to school
Gustina Salim Rambe appeared quietly distraught as a court on Indonesia’s main western island of Sumatra sentenced her to more than five months in prison for speaking out against the environmental damage caused by a nearby palm oil mill.Philip Jacobson (Conservation news)
Sumatran #Elephants are rapidly disappearing, critically endangered in #Sumatra #Indonesia due to #palmoil #deforestation and #poaching. Support their survival at the supermarket. Be #Vegan and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife
Sumatran Elephant Elephas maximus sumatranus
Discover the endangered Sumatran Elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), a majestic species facing threats from palm oil deforestation. Learn how you can help protect these gentle giants. #BoycottPa…Palm Oil Detectives
Between 924-1360 individual Sumatran #elephants hang on for survival in #Sumatra trapped on all sides by #palmoil #deforestation.
"Sustainable" palm oil is a massive lie! Fight for them, be #vegan and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Sumatran elephants: Surrounded by palm oil and nobody knows how many are left alive!
Sumatran elephants in Indonesia’s North Aceh district are being increasingly encircled by shrinking patches of forest. Their home is being destroyed primarily for oil palm plantations. Ongoing atte…Palm Oil Detectives
Tiger Panthera tigris
Tigers, primarily native to Asia’s tropical forests, have seen their habitats shrink dramatically over time. Notably, the Amur Tiger endures in Russia, and there have been sightings of these …Palm Oil Detectives
Sorbatua Siallagan, an #Indigenous elder on #sumatra was abducted for wanting to keep the #paper industry out of his people’s forest. Protests have been going on for days demanding the closure of pulp giant Toba Pulp Lestari. #tutupTPL
#hutanhujan #hutanadat #Toba #rainforest
Indonesia: Indigenous elder abducted for resisting the paper industry
Sorbatua Siallagan, an Indigenous elder on Sumatra, was abducted for wanting to keep the paper industry out of his people’s forest. Protests have been going on for days demanding the closure of pulp giant Toba Pulp
#PeticiónSalvaLaSelva para firmar y difundir ✍️
¡Basta de hacer negocios con la industria de papel y celulosa en #Indonesia !
#Sumatra #salvalaselva #selva #orangutanes #petición
¡Basta de hacer negocios con la industria de papel y celulosa en Indonesia!
La empresa papelera APRIL /Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) y otras, propiedad del multimillonario Sukanto Tanoto, llevan medio siglo destruyendo las selvas tropicales indonesias que la población necesita obtener su sustento y que, además, regulan el
@palmoildetectives #PalmOil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #PalmOilKILLS #Conflictpalmoil
The last 400 of Indonesia's wild #tigers hang on for survival in #Sumatra
The last of Indonesia’s #tigers, fewer than 400 hang on to survival in patches of rainforest in #Sumatra. Endangered by #poaching and #deforestation for #pal...YouTube