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Items tagged with: Sumatra

With shimmering lilac, green and blue plumage, the Sumatran Ground Cuckoo 🦜 is an enigmatic songstress of #Sumatra #Indonesia. Critically endangered from #palmoil #ecocide. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴⛔️

Sumatran #Elephants are rapidly disappearing 🐘🐘💀 critically endangered in #Sumatra #Indonesia due to #palmoil #deforestation and #poaching. Help them to survive when you #BoycottPalmOil 🌴🪔🤮☠️⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

The vivid Sumatran Mesia is an exquisite #songbird 🦜🪶🪹 of #Sumatra #Indonesia 🇮🇩 facing massive decline and now #endangered due to the illegal #pet trade and #palmoil. Support their survival and #BoycottPalmOil 🌴⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect

Forgotten #primate 🙊🐒 Pig-tailed Snub-nosed #Langur is now critically endangered on tiny islands near #Sumatra #Indonesia 🇮🇩 from #palmoil #deforestation and hunting pressures. Help them survive #BoycottPalmOil 🌴☠️⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife

Malay Tapirs are gorgeous creatures living in #Sumatra #Myanmar #Thailand #Indonesia they are endangered by palmoil #deforestation. We can protect them when we make supermarket choices #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

Malay Tapirs are gorgeous creatures living in #Sumatra #Myanmar #Thailand #Indonesia they are endangered by palmoil #deforestation. We can protect them when we make supermarket choices #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

There are fewer than 80 wild #Sumatran #Rhinos left in the wild, critically endangered by #poaching and #deforestation for #palmoil in #Sumatra. #Boycott the #brands destroying their home #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect

#News: 🌴 #Sumatra’s Tesso Nilo National Park has lost 78% of its rainforest since 2009 to palm oil plantations. 🐅 Fewer than 400 Sumatran #tigers remain, and deforestation continues in 2024.

Fight back! #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥⛔️


With shimmering lilac, green and blue plumage, the Sumatran Ground Cuckoo 🦜 is an enigmatic songstress of #Sumatra #Indonesia. Critically endangered from #palmoil #ecocide. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴⛔️ @palmoildetect

With shimmering lilac, green and blue plumage, the Sumatran Ground Cuckoo 🦜 is an enigmatic songstress of #Sumatra #Indonesia. Critically endangered from #palmoil #ecocide. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴⛔️

The mighty and majestic #tiger 🐅🐯 of #Sumatra are on the brink of #extinction from #palmoil and #mining #deforestation. Less than 400 remain alive! 😭Use your wallet as a weapon and fight for them #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥🚫

There are fewer than 80 wild #Sumatran #Rhinos left in the wild, critically endangered by #poaching and #deforestation for #palmoil in #Sumatra. #Boycott the #brands destroying their home #Boycott4Wildlife via

My name is Craig Jones, I'm a #wildlife photographer. Here is my eyewitness account of rescuing an #orangutan mother and baby from an #RSPO "sustainable" #palmoil plantation in #Sumatra. We #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥🛢️⛔

#News: An Indonesian mother has been jailed for protesting a palm oil factory built next to schools in #Sumatra. The factory’s #pollution threatens children’s #health, sparking outrage over the criminalising environmental activism. 🌍 #BoycottPalmOil

Sumatran #Elephants are rapidly disappearing, critically endangered in #Sumatra #Indonesia due to #palmoil #deforestation and #poaching. Support their survival at the supermarket. Be #Vegan and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife

Between 924-1360 individual Sumatran #elephants hang on for survival in #Sumatra trapped on all sides by #palmoil #deforestation.
"Sustainable" palm oil is a massive lie! Fight for them, be #vegan and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

The last of Indonesia’s #tigers, fewer than 400 hang on to survival in patches of rainforest in #Sumatra. Endangered by #poaching and #deforestation for #palmoil and timber. Boycott the brands destroying their home. #Boycott4Wildlife via @palmoildetect
Sorbatua Siallagan, an #Indigenous elder on #sumatra was abducted for wanting to keep the #paper industry out of his people’s forest. Protests have been going on for days demanding the closure of pulp giant Toba Pulp Lestari. #tutupTPL
#hutanhujan #hutanadat #Toba #rainforest

#PeticiónSalvaLaSelva para firmar y difundir ✍️

¡Basta de hacer negocios con la industria de papel y celulosa en #Indonesia !

#Sumatra #salvalaselva #selva #orangutanes #petición

The last 400 of Indonesia's wild #tigers hang on for survival in #Sumatra
@palmoildetectives #PalmOil #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife #PalmOilKILLS #Conflictpalmoil

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