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Items tagged with: monkey

In the #Amazon's heart 🇧🇷 💚 a #Guariba/Black #Howler #Monkey lets out an almighty scream atop of a logging tractor. His cry echoes the horror WE ALL FACE. We ignore his cries at our peril. If you want to help him and countless others - be #vegan #BoycottGold #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife! 🍃 🍂

Known as 'Chasma Bandar' for their beautiful spectacled eyes 👓🐵🐒 Phayre's leaf monkeys are a distinctive #monkey in #India 🇮🇳 #Bangladesh 🇧🇩, #endangered by #palmoil #deforestation 🌴🔥🚫 Fight for them! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: 🐒 #Chimpanzees’ remarkable tool use and behaviours may evolve over generations, showing early stages of cumulative culture, new research reveals. 🛠️🌿

But their survival is at risk! Chimpanzees, great #apes, and many smaller #monkey species face extinction due to habitat destruction caused by palm oil plantations. 🌴🔥

Take action: Protect their future by choosing wisely. #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife 🌴🔥⛔️


Known as 'Chasma Bandar' for their beautiful spectacled eyes 👓🐵🐒 Phayre's leaf monkeys are a distinctive #monkey in #India 🇮🇳 #Bangladesh 🇧🇩, #endangered by #palmoil #deforestation 🌴🔥🚫 Fight for them! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

The Ecuadorian White-fronted #Capuchin is #criticallyendangered small #monkey species in #Peru and #Ecuador #SouthAmerica by #deforestation and the #pet trade Help their survival by being #vegan and #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife on #brands causing #deforestation! via @palmoildetect

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