Items tagged with: borneo
Murud Black Slender Toad Ansonia vidua
The Murud Black Slender Toad is an enigmatic amphibian, perfectly camouflaged among the rocks and vegetation of Borneo’s high-altitude forests. Known only from the remote Mount Murud region, their …Palm Oil Detectives
Borneo Bay Cat Catopuma badia
The Borneo Bay Cat, also known as the Bay Cat, is a small wildcat species endemic to the island of Borneo. Renowned for their elusive nature, they inhabit dense tropical forests and are among the l…Palm Oil Detectives
Bearded Pig Sus barbatus
Bearded Pigs have hair which grows along their lower jaws that resembles a beard – giving them their distinctive whiskery appearance and their name. The Bearded Pig is an integral part of Southeast…Palm Oil Detectives
Murud Black Slender #Toads 🐸💚🫶 have nowhere to hide. Critically #endangered by #palmoil #ecocide in #Sarawak Malaysian #Borneo 🇲🇾they are cornered by lifeless monoculture. Fight back for them! #BoycottPalmOil 🌴🪔☠️⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife
Murud Black Slender Toad Ansonia vidua
The Murud Black Slender Toad is an enigmatic amphibian, perfectly camouflaged among the rocks and vegetation of Borneo’s high-altitude forests. Known only from the remote Mount Murud region, their …Palm Oil Detectives
Like other mustelids, Bornean Ferret #Badgers become aggressive when cornered and release a potent scent. Known locally as 'Biul Slentek' they're #endangered by #palmoil #deforestation in #Borneo. Help them survive when you #BoycottPalmOil 🌴🪔💩🤮⛔️
Bornean Ferret Badger Melogale everetti
The Bornean Ferret Badger is an enigmatic nocturnal omnivore, known for their dependence on intact montane forests. Due to habitat destruction, primarily caused by deforestation for out-of-control …Palm Oil Detectives
Gentle gardeners of #Borneo, Bearded #Pigs 🐷🩷 have distinguished and cheeky whiskers that set them apart from others. They're #vulnerable due to #palmoil #deforestation, fight for their survival #Boycottpalmoil 🌴⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife
Bearded Pig Sus barbatus
Bearded Pigs have hair which grows along their lower jaws that resembles a beard – giving them their distinctive whiskery appearance and their name. The Bearded Pig is an integral part of Southeast…Palm Oil Detectives
Bornean Rainbow Toad Ansonia latidisca
The Bornean Rainbow Toad, also known as the Sambas Stream Toad, is a vibrantly coloured amphibian native to the rainforests of Borneo. This elusive species was rediscovered in 2011 after being unse…Palm Oil Detectives
Resourceful with long sensing whiskers for swamp living, #Otter Civets 🦦 face unprecedented threats from #palmoil and #gold #mining #deforestation on #Borneo. Fight extinction! #BoycottPalmOil 🌴🪔⛔️ #BoycottGold 🥇⛔️ #Boycott4Wildlife @palmoildetect
Otter Civet Cynogale bennettii
The beautiful and elusive Otter Civet lives primarily in peatland forests and riverine swamps. Their prominent snouts and long whiskers give them keen sensory understanding of their environment. Th…Palm Oil Detectives
Borneo Pygmy Elephant Elephas maximus borneensis
Explore the plight of the Bornean Pygmy Elephant (Elephas maximus borneensis), a vulnerable species threatened by habitat loss due to palm oil deforestation. Learn how you can help protect them. #B…Palm Oil Detectives
Wildcat carnivores like Borneo Bay Cats, Marbled Cats and Sunda Clouded Leopards compete for increasingly scarce resources due to #palmoil and other #deforestation in #Borneo. Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Research: Wild cat carnivores in Borneo may adjust their schedules to avoid each other
Study by Hiroshima University finds that due to increased human pressures from hunting, palm oil and other deforestation, wild cats and other carnivores in Indonesia and Malaysia may go out of thei…Palm Oil Detectives
Research: Wild cat carnivores in Borneo may adjust their schedules to avoid each other
Study by Hiroshima University finds that due to increased human pressures from hunting, palm oil and other deforestation, wild cats and other carnivores in Indonesia and Malaysia may go out of thei…Palm Oil Detectives
Wildcat carnivores like Borneo Bay Cats, Marbled Cats and Sunda Clouded Leopards compete for increasingly scarce resources due to #palmoil and other #deforestation in #Borneo. Help them and #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife
Research: Wild cat carnivores in Borneo may adjust their schedules to avoid each other
Study by Hiroshima University finds that due to increased human pressures from hunting, palm oil and other deforestation, wild cats and other carnivores in Indonesia and Malaysia may go out of thei…Palm Oil Detectives
#deforestation #pulpandpaper #borneo #orangutan #APRIL #petition #dayak
Jangan berbisnis dengan perusahaan kertas APRIL!
Perusahaan APRIL / Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) dan beberapa perusahaan lainnya milik miliarder Sukanto Tanoto sejak setengah abad merusak hutan hujan di Indonesia dan mata pencaharian penduduk
Auf #Borneo holzt ein Unternehmen des Konzern #APRIL #Regenwald ab, in denen #Orangutans leben. Keine #Regenwaldzerstörung für #papier #zellstoff #verpackungen #viskose
#indigene #dayak werden eingeschüchtert. #landraub
Aktiv gegen Kahlschlag für Papier im Orang-Utan-Wald
Auf Borneo holzt das Unternehmen Mayawana Persada Regenwald und Torfwald ab, in denen Orang-Utans
APRIL (Asia Pacific Resources International Limited): Auf Sumatra ist ein indigener Führer entführt, verschleppt und inhaftiert worden, weil er sich gegen die mit APRIL verbundene Firma Toba Pulp Lestari wehrt. Mayawana Persada, ebenfalls mit APRIL verbunden, schlägt auf Borneo Orang-Utan-Wald für Papier kahl
#deforestation #pulpandpaper #borneo #orangutan #APRIL #petition #dayak
Keine Geschäfte mit dem Papierkonzern APRIL!
Der Papierkonzern APRIL / Royal Golden Eagle (RGE) und andere Unternehmen des Milliardärs Sukanto Tanoto zerstören seit einem halben Jahrhundert die Regenwälder Indonesiens und die Lebensgrundlagen der lokalen Bevö
Some amazing photos of human impact on Earth
#anthropocene #photography #oil #PalmOil #Kenya #Nigeria #Texas #Borneo
Killings of Bornean orangutans could lead to their extinction
Only about 100,000 Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) remain, less than half of their original numbers.Rhett Butler (Conservation news)
I may yet post some reflections on my newsletter Movable Worlds in the near future—but for now, you can follow to see the photo journal I am sharing of my reporting trip.
Start here:
These two photos were taken at my first stop: the village of Mumiang.
#Kinabatangan #Sabah #Malaysia #Borneo #wetlands #mangroves
In Sandakan: leaving from the jetty next to the pungently aromatic 😆 central fish market to make our way to the Lower Kinabatangan-Segama Wetlands (LKSW) in east coast Sabah. Made a reporting trip late last year for a story for @btlmsia, a Malaysian newsl
21 likes, 0 comments - Emily Ding (@emilydingwrites) on Instagram: "In Sandakan: leaving from the jetty next to the pungently aromatic 😆 central fish market to ma..."Emily Ding (Instagram)
Dwindling tropical rainforests mean lost medicines yet to be discovered in their plants
About 80% of the world population relies on compounds derived from plants for medicines to treat various ailments, such as malaria and cancer, and to suppress pain. Our future medicines are likely …Palm Oil Detectives
UK’s Brexit Trade Deal with Malaysia has Potential to Flood Market with Dirty Palm Oil – Byline Times
In a weakened position due to Brexit, the UK has accepted Malaysia’s demands to reduce import tariffs on palm oil from the current 12% to 0%Rachel Donald (Byline Times)