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in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Even further to the right are the philosophers and outside the frame are those who do Science and Technology Studies.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

As an engineer, standing next to but not in line with the physicists and mathematicians, this made me laugh
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I was at a college tour with the kids yesterday, and a professor at the physics table commented that he felt math was given too much importance in physics. And I immediately thought of this comic.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Finally, in the end:

(from the Heart Sutra)

form is emptiness and the very emptiness is form ;

emptiness does not differ from form, form does not differ from emptiness, whatever is emptiness, that is form,

the same is true of feelings, perceptions, impulses, and consciousness.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I think maybe the category theorists are somewhere off the right of the cartoon …
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I love I’m right in the middle, but in chemistry we had to learn physics and mathematics (three years of calculus and linear algebra).
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Along those lines I once read that engineers are just sloppy physicists, and that physicists are just sloppy mathematicians.

These ideas lead to the story of a person of each discipline giving examples of what numbers are prime to a layman.

The mathematician said 1 is prime, 2 is prime, 3 is prime, but 4 is not. Get the idea?

When a physicist was asked, he said 1 is prime, 2 is prime, 3 is prime, hmmm . All numbers are prime to a first approximation.

When an engineer was asked for examples, he said let's see, 1 is prime, 1 is prime, 3 is prime, 4 is prime ...

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

"The reason evil always fails is that, after a short while, no one is pure enough.

If evil is based upon loyalty, and loyalty becomes the ruler, some will be found not loyal enough.

If evil is based upon greed, and greed becomes the ruler, some will be found not greedy enough.

If evil is based upon cruelty, and cruelty becomes the ruler, some will be found not cruel enough.

If evil is based upon religion, and religion becomes the ruler, some will be judged not religious enough.

If evil is based upon bigotry, and bigotry becomes the ruler, some will be judged not bigoted enough.

And on it goes, to the deepest depth of absurdity itself.

That's why humanity and compassion prevail, as they’re what save us, in eternal and overwhelming abundance."

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

it's a shame the preview cuts off the philosopher. Epistemology and ontology are far to the right of this image.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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