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Items tagged with: mutualaid

Hey so I need a little help. I'm in the red like very bad, and don't have enough for rent, utilities + the business taxes that are due in two days

Thanks! here's a cat

#art #watercolor #MutualAid #CatsOfMastodon #FediGiftShop

*really* can't afford to be ignored here.

we are out of money for food. zero. nothing left.

on top of that, we NEED help with securing hotel funding. there is a blizzard on it's way by monday, and after it leaves there is extreme cold that'll be here for a while. so we need to stay here.

PLEASE help.

goal is $0/$600

#mutualaid #MutualAidSavesLives #MutualAidRequest #transmutualaid #queermutualaid #helpfolkslive2025 #emergencycrowdfund

This is my first time doing this but our cat has been needing new meds and commissions and tattoo work has been extremely low this summer. We would appreciate any little bit of help ~

re-shares much appreciated!


Why can’t we catch a break?

Boudica is now showing signs of the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) previously known as acute renal failure, that nearly killed her at Xmas.

I’m still paying off Mr Kitty’s and her vet bills of ~$3k. I can’t apply for any more.

Donations and or retoots appreciated.

#Cats #Tonkinese #VetBills #Poverty #Disabled #Queer #Desperate #Despair #MutualAid


My local library built the seed library!

The local Master Gardeners provided a lot of the intitial seeds (oh my gosh we are stocked!!!). They used an old card catalogue to store them. Today's the kickoff!

The idea is you "check out seeds" from the library, plant/grow/harvest, let some go to seed, then "return the seeds" back to the library!

Free seeds for everyone!

Editing to add my library's Seed Library web site:

#solarPunk #postScarcity #gardening #mutualAid #seedLibrary #earthDay

Went out and distributed food to our neighbors at the food pantry tonight.

We had enough left over afterwards to stock up the community pantry & free fridge.

We ran out of room. So I took boxes of fresh turnips and boxes of cereal home for storage. I'll push them out to the community fridge and pantry this week as there is room.

We have the literal ability to feed everyone for free. And we can. And we are.

#postScarcity #freeFridge #mutualAid #solarPunk

Hi! I'm afraid I've wound up in some financial trouble and could use some help! Any money would be incredibly helpful to me.

I'm faced with a $905 bill to repair my car. I need my car to dogsit for $50 a day, so uh, I don't really have cash. Public transportation isn't very realistic, as it's been hobbled in my city (screenshot attached)

Thank you so much for any help!


Hi folks, I'm in the middle of a stressful move and have a budget shortfall. @chris has kindly put together a gofundme for me here:

If you can spare a few bucks, please kick in! If not, even a boost or share on your other social media would be very appreciated. Thank you kind folks all so much!

Boosts needed please!

#crowdfunding #moving #movingsucks #mutualaid #transcrowdfund @mutualaid

I know that some of you all wondered what happened to Merlin Star after they closed their public account on Mastodon.

Well, they recently posted this:

Seems they aren't doing as well as hoped. They also gave mutual aid links at the end of the blog post.

Anyways, donate if you can, boost if you can't.



#MutualAid #BlackMutualAid #TransMutualAid

URGENT need for 400 dollars for legal fees:

Help Mari, a trans woman raise money for her legal fees and flee florida's anti-trans legislation and find some security in a better place, away from her parents, likely in minnesota.:

Goal: 3553/5700


Tags: #TransCrowdFund #LegalFees #TransMutualAid #MutualAid #GTFOmyState #Minnesota #Florida #Boost #Fundraising #Fundraiser

Help Andy, a transmasc individual flee florida's anti-trans legislation. They need to be able to pay for their rent and other living expenses to be able to sustain a safe life away from violence by shipping their goods to WA and moving there :

Goal : 445/3500 dollars


Tags: #TransCrowdFund #TransMutualAid #GTFOmyState #Florida #Washington #Fundraiser #Fundraising #MutualAid #TransMasc


Help Mia, a NonBinary individual cover for their living expenses as they recently had to flee florida due to anti-trans legislation, it is a bit urgent so if we can reach the goal within a week, it would be swell!

Updated Goal: 185/300 dollars*

*REQUEST: good job yall! pls BOOST again/keep BOOSTING!


Tags: #TransCrowdFund #MutualAid #TransMutualAid #NonBinary #Florida #GTFOmyState #Fundraiser #Fundraising

This pattern occurs over and over again: after disasters, most of the initial aid comes from the community rather than through government agencies.

People often seem to find joy in these moments of clarity, where they are freed from the expectations of typical society and can freely offer aid to those in their communities.


Content warning: serious, begpost

Jaycee is a #trans teacher who needs to flee #florida with their spouse, they recently got a job (congrats!) and need to cover travel costs! :

goal: 1771/3000 dollars

Tags: #MutualAid #TransCrowdFund #Fundraiser #GTFOmyState #boost #TransMutualAid

#mutualaid #begpost boosts appreciated

i am unemployed, live month to month, got unemployment on 1st and am already having money issues and would immensely appreciate any financial support of any amount
litterally at -33eur on bank account right now but can go down to -600 in theory but then it just becomes next months problem and ive already been playing that game for a little while hence us already having issue 2 days after getting unemployment (had major unexpected expenses like 3 vet visits totalling 250+ eur last month and bills hitting hard)
you can donate at these links
thank you so much in advance for support of any kind, financial or boosts
good luck to all out there and take care

Content warning: mutual aid request

Content warning: (please boost) asking for money help

Content warning: (please boost) asking for money help

Content warning: (please boost) asking for money help

Content warning: (please boost) asking for money help

Content warning: Indigenous Aid Request (SSSM) :boost_ok:

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