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Items tagged with: Poverty

Why can’t we catch a break?

Boudica is now showing signs of the Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) previously known as acute renal failure, that nearly killed her at Xmas.

I’m still paying off Mr Kitty’s and her vet bills of ~$3k. I can’t apply for any more.

Donations and or retoots appreciated.

#Cats #Tonkinese #VetBills #Poverty #Disabled #Queer #Desperate #Despair #MutualAid

#News: #Palmoil plantations are rapidly gaining ground in #SouthAmerica, driving communities from their lands and causing #deforestation, #humanrights abuses, #violence, and #poverty via @GRAIN #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#poverty. It’s the poor who are mostly suffering from #obesity and other ills that shorten life expectancy. In Latin America and southern Europe poor people may have a healthier diet, especially in rural areas, more exercise out of necessity, (hillside villages, public transportation) and a closer social network

"We can't afford poverty in a world in which there are environmental limits."

#TimJackson, Professor at the University of Surrey, Director of the Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable Prosperity

#podcasts #RNZ #KimHill #deGrowth #sustainability #poverty

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