Items tagged with: bluesky
[strong]Friendica: Bluesky Beiträge abstellen[/strong]
Ich lasse seit kurzen eine Friendica Installation unter hosten und bin gerade dabei mich in die Administration hinein zu arbeiten. Was z. B. ziemlich nervt sind die regelmäßigen Beiträge von Bluesky die ich an sich gar nicht will. Zumal ich mir erst einen Bluesky Account zulegen müsste um auch so das es nach Bluesky zurückläuft antworten zu können.
[strong]Wie kann ich die abstellen?[/strong]
#Friendica #Frage #Hilfe #Bluesky #2025-01-015 !Friendica Admins
Having criticised BlueSky a *lot* over the past few months, I do want to flag a couple of things that make it qualitatively different from Titter. At least for now.
1) their entire stack is Free Code, and their protocol is documented.
Christine's analysis suggests that doesn't help as much for potential self-hosting as it might. But it remains true that a well-funded organisation could stand up a complete replacement of BS, using their code.
Not true of Titter.
"ATProto does not scale wide: it's a liability to add more fully participating nodes onto the network. Meaningfully self-hosting ATProto is a risk to the ATProto network, there is active reason to disincentivize it for those already participating."
#ChristineLemmerWebber, 2024
Oof. That is *not* good for the claim that BlueSky's protocol can be as friendly to decentralisation and independent hosting as the fediverse.
IMHO that's game, set and match.
#Bluesky no es descentralizada pero ofrece funcionalidades útiles para recuperar el interés por participar en #redessociales y la posibilidad de contribuir a su configuración de manera comunitaria.
Bluesky, la red social donde se libra la batalla por el futuro de internet
Ni es descentralizada ni está fuera de la influencia de los ‘criptobros’ que han aupado a Trump a la Casa Blanca, pero ofrece funcionalidades útiles para recuperar el interés por participar en redes sociales y la posibilidad de contribuir a su config…
“Got a Bluesky account? Bridge it to the fediverse by following”
#SocialWeb #OpenSocialWeb #bridgyfed #atproto #Fediverses
Big congratulations to and the whole team 🎉
With over half a million new users in the last day, Bluesky is demonstrating the power of open social networking and micro-blogging.
Thanks to you can join in and post to Bluesky by following
We love to see new social grow, hopefully more to come!
#Bluesky #SocialWeb #Fediverse #Mastodon #SocialMedia Technology #News #Fedi
I wish #Mastodon supported the kinds of "starter packs" just launched by #Bluesky. They're a great way to invite people to join a new platform and quickly find people and organizations that meet their interests.
I'm committed to Mastodon, but I'm on Bluesky to explore and experiment. While I like these starter packs, I won't be using them. I want to invite new people (working on my topics) to join Mastodon, not Bluesky.
Activitypub or Atproto ... one item that both Mastodon have in common with Bluesky is amount of "spam" links and accounts boosting those "spammy" accounts
Several "award winning art / photo" profiles I saw had 5 or more links including their pinned post
Win goes to Bluesky since they seem to have better control of that ... for now
#photography #mastodon
#pixelfed #misskey #lemmy #opensource #foss #bluesky #atproto #fediverse #activitypub
Cross-posts to BlueSky have hashtags messed up on specific scenario
Currently trying the #BlueSky cross-posting, I'm finding out that I'm having problems with the newly-added support for hashtags in BlueSky in a specific case - if I add some text, then a link, then a series of hashtags, the hashtags will be messed up, and I'm not sure if the problem is from Friendica's side or from BlueSky's.
!Friendica Admins !Friendica Developers
Carlos Solís (
Por alguna razón, nuestra insigne Asamblea Legislativa tuvo la linda idea de que ahora tengamos dos... técnicamente tres aves nacionales… #CostaRica #SímbolosPatrios https://delfino.Bluesky Social
We pitched BlueSky against Mastodon. See how it fares:
Bluesky vs. Mastodon: Which Twitter Alternative Should You Choose?
Mastodon is one of the most-loved open-source social media platforms. But, what's different with Bluesky? Let us find out here.Ankush Das (It's FOSS)
The developer of the Graysky client for Bluesky has written up how to embed replies from Bluesky as comments on your blog.
Like I said for Mastodon comments, not going to enable this on my site.
#Bluesky #comments
#FediBlock and for bridging fediverse folks to Bluesky against their will (and in likely contravention of GDPR in the EU) with typical Silicon Valley techbro sense of entitlement:
“[O]pt in results in far fewer users, and users are critical for a bridge to be useful.”¹
Relevant GitHub issue:
HT @homegrown
#bridgy #snarfed #fediverse #mastodon #bluesky #bridging #optOut #optIn #consent #gdpr #eu #SiliconValley #techbros
Opt-out is a terrible default and should be reconsidered · Issue #835 · snarfed/bridgy-fed
It should be pretty obvious that a decentralized network that many use specifically to not be connected to centralized networks houses mostly people who do not wish to have their posts bridged to B...GitHub
Posting this quote from #BlueSky developer Paul Frazee, as it is one of my favorite posts from my platform and exactly how I feel about BlueSky and Nostr too. This is not zero-sum and as I see bridges forming (now between Masto-Nostr, soon between ActivityPub and Bluesky) am excited to see the bridges start to form.
New Blogpost: Why not BlueSky?
#activitypub #bluesky #mastodon #SocialMedia
Why not Bluesky?
As promised, I will be talking about BlueSky. For some background, BlueSky is a "decentralized"¹ Social Media platform that essentially aims to imitate Twitt...~/Simon's Blog ❯
For this weekend's coding project, I built a tiny single-user Bluesky→ActivityPub one-way bridge I named “Pinhole”. If there's someone on Bluesky whose posts you want in your Mastodon feed, you can download and run it yourself:
Caveats: 1. I intentionally built it anti-scalable: you can use it to follow one Bluesky account from one fedi account, and that's it. 2. You need experience with web servers.
#fediverse #ActivityPub #MastoDev #Bluesky #atproto
Pinhole is a tiny single-user Bluesky→ActivityPub one-way bridge. It can be self-hosted to provide a mirror bot for exactly one Bluesky profile followable by exactly one ActivityPub (e.g. Mastodon) account.Julian Fietkau
I've been following things in #Bluesky, but the way it renders links really puzzles me.
1. When @davew is posting links, Bluesky is not showing the link cards.
2. When @jeffjarvis posts links his posts have link cards.
3. When @kottke posts links it does not show link cards, and includes some brackets.
This is frustrating, I would like to see the link cards always because I want to see the title and image of the post.
Also, some of the links show a warning when I click and some don't.
Fuck it. #YOLO
#Bluesky continues to be entirely non-responsive to the numerous security vulnerabilities I've reported to them, so I spent the evening writing up a nice README and a framework with exploit modules, and just made it all public.
Have fun.
GitHub - qwell/bsky-exploits
Contribute to qwell/bsky-exploits development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Next week, join us for a webinar on how nonprofits are using emerging social networks—like #Bluesky, #Mastodon, and more—to advance their missions.
Featuring @evan, Sara Lonegard of #DistributeAid, Ravon Ruffin of #new_public
#OpenSocialMedia: Nonprofits FTW
Federation with #Bluesky (via #ATprotocol) is getting closer.
The sandbox environment has now been launched, which means you can set up your own AT protocol-enabled server.
It's possible that Bluesky will finally start federating by the end of summer. However, knowing how most dev teams work, this launch is not a certainty. It always takes time to iron out bugs.
How successful do you think Bluesky's federation will be? And how will it impact the current userbase using Bluesky?
Beyond the Blue #6
This week, the biggest news is the launch of the developer sandbox that allows to start testing the federation functionality of the AT Proto! I’m excited to see the first round of servers popping up and, now that all the pieces are being putted toget…Ferran (Beyond the Blue - Week in Bluesky)
#Barcelona, #Meta's Twitter competitor, will be ready by summer.
And lest you believe #ActivityPub integration was just some rumour, think again. In a slide, Meta confirms that Barcelona will indeed be decentralized and will be compatible with Mastodon.
Everyone who thought that AT protocol would easily win over ActivityPub, and that #Bluesky would kill Mastodon just because a few influencers joined doesn't understand the sheer marketing power and pull that Meta has at its disposal.
But believe me, I'm not exactly cheering on Meta here. Generally, where Meta goes, shenanigans happen. I simply don't think Meta is capable of releasing a product without dark patterns.
Nevertheless, I don't think the Fediverse is even close to preparing for what will happen once Barcelona starts federating.
We should all be taking Barcelona very seriously.
This is Instagram’s new Twitter competitor
A leaked marketing slide from Lia Haberman gives us our first look at Instagram’s upcoming “text-based” app that’s supposed to take on Twitter.Jay Peters (The Verge)
The "protocol wars" on the #openweb such as #bluesky, #Nostr, and #activertypub. That building bridges between these protocols can be a good solution, as it is a permissionless way to connect different protocols without needing to get the codebase to change their project. The protocols are all #4opens and #openweb native, which is a positive development. However, the cultures of these protocols are different and can create messiness in the discussions.
Lets talk about the protocol wars
Listening to the #mainstreaming of the 3 protocol mess, we have a building signal-to-noise issue. We need to push signal, so good to think before you share something that is likely more noise on this subject.SocialHub
the key part is #4opens we don't have to ask its #FOSS and yes not saying you are not right, the current non federated #bluesky would be pointless.
#Nostr all ready has a working 2 way bridge to #activertpub, I am transparently reading and replying to #Nostr users.
Lets talk about the protocol wars
A bridge to nostr all ready works Introducing Mostr: a Fediverse Nostr bridge | Soapbox I have been using it for the last few weeks.SocialHub
The "protocol wars" of new #openweb protocols, including #bluesky, #Nostr, and #activertypub, am suggesting that bridges between them are a good solution to the current issues. All of these protocols are #4opens and #openweb native, which is a positive development. However, the cultures of these protocols are different and this can create messiness in the discussions.
I advocate for a grassroots #DIY culture and urge people to focus on building bridges rather than adding to the mess.
They all share #4opens #openweb tech, so this is a win.
Where they differ is in the "culture" they come from and push.
#bluesky comes from surveillance capitalism, it's from the #dotcons and has meany of the same assumptions, just "better".
#Nostr comes from the #encryptionists and #bitcoin bro crew and suffers from being from this mess.
#activertypub is #openweb native and comes from the #4opens traditions the whole software world is actually built on.
Composable Moderation
A customizable, composable approach to moderation that prioritizes safety and gives users and developers more
While I'm not inherently against competing protocols, it's really hard to see BlueSky as anything other than an attempt to (a) keep the fediverse from succeeding, and (b) taking over a "growing market".
BlueSkys ahead? - TheresNoTime
Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of the latest "Twitter Alternative" BlueSky Social, and it's AT Protocol — I've set off to understand what the latest social media hype was about.TheresNoTime
We do live in instresting times, agen for #openweb tech and its social power.
Twitter Bluesky Discord community
Looking like the flow of history is going to be a step to the #openweb with the recent #dotcons take up of #activitypub this will push Twitters #bluesky to a “me to” project, unless they bridge to AP which they will very likely will refuse to do, lik…SocialHub