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The "protocol wars" of new #openweb protocols, including #bluesky, #Nostr, and #activertypub, am suggesting that bridges between them are a good solution to the current issues. All of these protocols are #4opens and #openweb native, which is a positive development. However, the cultures of these protocols are different and this can create messiness in the discussions.

I advocate for a grassroots #DIY culture and urge people to focus on building bridges rather than adding to the mess.

in reply to vagabond

Bridges are the diplomatic solution, but when you look at the protocol specs, you quickly find that they are deliberately designed to be incompatible to make intereroparability technically impossible.

vagabond reshared this.

in reply to Patrick, the Linux guy

@raccoon so we ignore this mess and push the content across with a bridge - we make the protocols into "dumb pipes" this is the path of the #OMN

I understand this is the best of the BAD solutions, but it's easy and most impotently "permissionless" so we can seed diversity. From this we might get somewhere not #blocking

in reply to vagabond

Well, the problem is that ActivityPub is event driven: something happens -> Agents send each other notifications about it.

This means, a bridge would have to be build from both sides. I doubt, this is what Blusky wants.

in reply to Patrick, the Linux guy

the key part is #4opens we don't have to ask its #FOSS and yes not saying you are not right, the current non federated #bluesky would be pointless.

#Nostr all ready has a working 2 way bridge to #activertpub, I am transparently reading and replying to #Nostr users.

This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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