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Items tagged with: news

After more than a year of negotiations, SAG-AFTRA video game performers are on strike

Union actors and performers in SAG-AFTRA declared a strike against video game firms over artificial intelligence. Among other things, they've stop voice acting and stunts that appear in video games.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

If you call the American Southwest home, join us in welcoming these local news outlests to the fediverse! Follow these accounts to stay up on the latest local news and happenings in your area.

Austin Monitor, @AustinMonitor

CultureMap Austin, @CultureMapATX

CultureMap Houston, @CultureMapHTX

Dallas Weekly, @DallasWeekly

Houston Chronicle, @HoustonChron

New Mexico In-Depth, @NMInDepth

NonDoc Media, @NonDoc

Patagonia Regional Times, @PatagoniaRT

Texas Monthly, @TexasMonthly, @LoneStarLivecom

Don't see your favorite local news outlet on our list? Let us know in the comments.

#news #localnews #journalism #texas #NewMexico #arizona

Subsidiaries of Indonesia’s second-biggest palm oil company, PT Astra Agro Lestari (AAL), are running illegal plantations, grabbing community land, and intimidating critics, according to a new report by NGOs.

The report is a follow-up to a 2022 report by Friends of the Earth, and identifies at least 1,100 hectares(2,718 acres) of concessions that lie inside forest areas that should be off-limits to plantation activity.

by Hans Nicholas Jong

#News #palmoil #landrights


Judge Aileen Cannon followed the playbook from Thomas’s solo opinion in the Trump immunity case.

So The Decision In FL is Thomas' Fault

#CurrentEvents #News #SCJ #ClarenceThomas #BoughtAndPaidFor Justice

#News: The #Garifuna Afro-Indigenous people of #Honduras are threatened by violent #landgrabbing for #palmoil and illegal drug trafficking in their ancestral lands despite international law telling the Honduran government to reinstate their land #Boycottpalmoil
Story: @mongabay

An ancient giant armadillo shows South America had humans much earlier than thought

Researchers have found evidence of butchery marks on the back of an ancient armadillo-like animal, suggesting humans were in South America 20,000 years ago -- earlier than many researchers thought.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Richard Simmons, who believed fitness is for everyone, dies at 76

With his short shorts, sparkly tank tops, frizzy hair and flamboyant personality, Simmons created a fitness empire. He preached positivity, portion control, moving your body — and having fun.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

#News: #Ecuador's government is struggling to honour a referendum to stop oil drilling in Yasuni National Park. #StopOil #ClimateActionNow #Boycott4Wildlife
Video: Ecuadorian White Fronted Capuchin - critically endangered

#News: Toxic #pesticide giant Bayer/Monsanto won a case against 100,000 people who allege the use of #glyphosate is linked to them getting #cancer. Bayer's win was overturned by an Oregon court #corporate #corruption #health #humanrights #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: Alexandria Reid from
@globalwitness outlines the absolutely essential steps the incumbent
Government must take to protect the well-being and #health of the world by safeguarding the world's #rainforests #Boycottpalmoil #Boycottmeat #vegan

#News: Around 500K people have been killed after Indonesia invaded #WestPapua in 1963. A Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) is now set up at @QMUL about West Papua's violent #colonisation telling stories of survival Via @bellacaledonia
Art: Szabolcs Kokay @humanrights @westpapuawomensoffice @westpapua

Great #News: If #EUDR goes ahead at end of year, #cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast will be able to use bank cards to receive e-payments for their work clearing up fraudulent underpayment for their work #humanrights #workersrights #landrights #palmoil #cocoa #Boycottpalmoil @mongabay

#News: "#RSPO's certification, which should provide manufacturers and customers with reliable #deforestation-free #palmoil, has been diluted by the industry and is not fit for purpose" @Greenpeace's Senior Forest Campaigner Daniela Montalto said last week.
#Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft, a major contributor to climate change

The tech giants both report surges in greenhouse gas emissions as they double-down on adding artificial intelligence to all of their products.

#news #npr #publicradio #usa
posted by pod_feeder_v2

Ammo vending machines installed in Oklahoma and Alabama grocery stores

"The machines, created by American Rounds, offer ammo to be purchased without engaging with a store clerk. They “are accessible 24/7, ensuring that you can buy ammunition on your own schedule, free from the constraints of store hours and long lines,” according to the company’s website. The company states that the machines are equipped with “the latest AI technology” with card-scanning and facial-recognition software to verify the identity and age of each buyer. "

Because This Can't Go Badly At All..

#News #Guns #Ammunition #VendingMachines #MoreRepublicanMadness #AL #OK #AI

#News: Rock #art has been found in #Sulawesi dated 51,000 years old - the oldest known rock art in the world in a narrative style. These places should be in the hands of #indigenous peoples not destroyed for #palmoil #Boycottpalmoil #archaeohistories #Bugis

#News: Blackened trees, dead animals and scorched earth – early wildfires have already devastated Brazil’s Pantanal and #indigenous people worry they may lose the battle to save them #BoycottGold #BoycottPalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: #Pesticide use has surged in the #Amazon, with #fungicide mancozeb increasing by 5,600% and herbicide atrazine by 575% over 10 years.
Experts warn of severe impacts on #biodiversity and #health risks to #Indigenous communities @EHNewsroom

#News: Great #apes tease and prank each other just as humans do. Including body-slamming, hair-pulling and waving objects in front of each other’s faces – new #research study finds #sentience #primatology #primates #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: A court in #Indonesia has acquitted a former government official accused of human trafficking after people were found in cages near his #palmoil plantation #Boycottpalmoil #Corruption #Cronyism #Slavery #HumanRights

A detailed #news story at CNN about record breaking heat across the US, yet no mention of #climate change? 🤔

Kansas Supreme Court Affirms Abortion Rights, Strikes Down Restrictions

Good News In Kansas For Once

#News #Kansas #AbortionRights

Japan declares victory in 'war' on floppy disks

It's taken until 2024, but Japan has finally said goodbye to floppy disks.
Up until last month, people were still asked to submit documents to the government using the outdated storage devices, with more than 1,000 regulations requiring their use.

It Took Until Now For This Change

Now they still have to deal with their national business obsession with Fax Machines. And Many Japan businesses still require official documents to be endorsed using carved personal stamps called hanko, despite the government's efforts to phase them out.

#News #CurrentEvents #Technology #Japan

#News: From the vast #Amazon to the natural home of #gorillas in #DRC tropical #forests are the key to all lives.
Although rainforest #deforestation declined in some areas, it ramped up in other countries. Take action! #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: Corruption of #capitalism in the spotlight as US court rules against #banana company #Chiquita Brands for financing paramilitary terror and violence in #Colombia. #Humanrights abuses are also widespread for #gold #palmoil and #mining in #SouthAmerica Story via @washingtonpost

#News: The Pan-Amazon Social Forum of #Indigenous communities share their plans to protect the #Amazon #rainforest and have criticised #climate talks as being Global North focused #IndigenousRights #ClimateAction #BoycottGold #BoycottPalmOil #Boycott4Wildlife via Environmental Health News

#News: To strengthen #indigenous and #environmental rights, the ASEAN @theaseandaily working group should engage genuinely with indigenous peoples in #Asia and #Melanesia says @humanrightswatch report #Boycottpalmoil #BoycottGold #humanrights #westpapua

#News: Many products most harmful to the world’s #forests, and the communities that depend on them, like #palmoil and #toiletpaper can be found on US supermarket shelves

#News: Findings of a second investigation into #RSPO member and palm oil company in Sierra Leone #SOCFIN finds evidence of sexual violence, and land conflict in direct violation of their "sustainable" palm oil certification from RSPO #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: In #Nigeria white farmers were given large parcels of land by the Nigerian government, displacing local communities and leading to land degradation and famine #landgrabbing #humanrights #Africa

#News: On average #imports into the #EU of #palmoil #cocoa and other commodities were linked to 190,500 ha of rainforest #ecocide, 10 times the size of Brussels between 2019 - 2021 underscoring the need for strict EU laws and #EUDR regulations, report by SEI research

#News: Friends of the Earth accuse #palmoil giant Astra Agro Lestari (AAL) of encroaching on 1,100 ha of protected rainforest in #Sulawesi, help endangered animals and #indigenous peoples - #Boycottpalmoil #Boycott4Wildlife every time you shop!
📸 Aaron Geckoski

#News: Report finds petrochemical giant #BP funded a #greenwashing tree planting #carboncredits project in #SierraLeone and did not obtain community rights, risking locking families into 50-year contracts and debt peonage. Story via @worldrainforest
#Humanrights #Fossilfuels #corruption

#News: A coalition of #ecologists and #conservationists identify est. 17,000 sites worldwide, which if adequately protected could prevent most likely #extinctions, new article published in Frontiers in Science #Boycott4Wildlife

#News: Through shareholder resolutions, letters, and activism, consumers and shareholders can push companies to clean up #palmoil and other #supplychains—and their reputations #Boycottpalmoil

#News: Paraquat is a dangerous #pesticide banned for decades in #EU but readily used in #Indonesia for #palmoil harvesting with severe #health impacts on the (mostly) women and children labourers #Boycottpalmoil Via Geographical Magazine

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