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Items tagged with: USpol

Turns out ecologists and entomologists around the world have been warning about declining insect numbers for years. The culprits are climate change, habitat loss, light pollution, intensive farming, pesticide and fertiliser use. But it’s a struggle to get people to act.

It’s not just about bees and butterflies, the poster children of the pollinator world. Other, less photogenic pollinators such as hoverflies, moths, wasps, soldier beetles and earwigs are also showing declines. Several of these species don’t just pollinate. They also eat the pest insects that ruin crops.

Already, in the apple and pear orchards of south-west China, depleted populations of pollinators have forced farmers to hand-pollinate their trees, carrying pots of pollen and paintbrushes with which to individually pollinate every flower. If it sounds labour-intensive and time-consuming, that’s because it is.

#green #ukpolitics #uspol #ukpol #climate #environment #insects #agriculture #farming

This is my impression of #JoeBiden withdrawing from the #2024election and using ‘the force’ of his bipartisan team-building skills to help the #Resistance defeat #fascism ‘from an elevated position’. #StarWars #USpol

Latest comic: The Supreme Court ruling overturning the Chevron doctrine was largely overlooked in the wake of the debate, but possibly even more apocalyptic. In short, the Republican majority gutted the precedent that gave deference to scientists and other experts at setting regulations for air and water pollution and food safety.

#supremecourt #environment #uspol #cartoon #pollution #science #law

This week's comic: Many white Americans fail to assimilate
#cartoon #comic #race #immigration #racism #uspol

Latest comic: Where's the crisis?

(Drawn before events of last week, but still relevant!)

#protest #columbia #gaza #college #firstamendment #cartoon #uspol

I've been drawing strips for years about attacks on students' right to protest, yet strangely I've never been invited to give a TED Talk, speak at an "ideas festival," or pen a column for the Atlantic.

This is from 2016.

#uspol #cartoon #protest #college #firstamendment

Latest comic: If media talked about the donor class the way it talks about college students

#uspol #cartoon #comic #college #protest #education

Oh, nothing much, just the queer governor of #Massachusetts quietly doing the right thing (on this and many other issues) while much of the country goes insane.
#politics #USPol #MApoli

Last Week Tonight did a big food safety episode in its most recent season. LWT pointed out how jurisdictional gaps between FDA and USDA cause problems. And how underfunding is a big problem. Congress has been slashing budgets for decades.

When food safety affects children, society tends to pay more attention than when it affects adults. So regular media has been doing follow-ups on the lead contamination in applesauce. #FoodSafety #USPol

This week's comic: The things Mike Johnson has said are so over the top that I thought I might place him in the role of my flaming conservative character (hence the flames, in case anyone was wondering about that). It’s almost impossible to exaggerate this man’s theocratic worldview, so I tried to use actual quotes where I could.

#uspol #politics #cartoon #democracy #authoritarianism #republicans #theocracy #lgbtq

Drew this one just before an insurrectionist was elected Speaker of the House

#uspol #cartoon #politics #fascism #democracy #authoritarianism

Neglected to post this cartoon from a couple weeks ago: Always blame the left!

#uspol #media #journalism #authoritarianism #democracy

Latest comic on a certain pundit's infamous $78 airport meal

(For those outside the US, the commentator David Brooks has made a career out of piously trolling liberals for their supposed decadence and lack of morals.)

#uspol #economy #journalism #media #socialmedia

Latest cartoon on the right's plans to destroy the "administrative state" and replace government workers with cronies under the next Republican president

#authoritarianism #climatechange #climatecrisis #corruption #cartoon #uspol

Ben Sargent's latest Loon Star State cartoon, from the July/August 2023 issue of Texas Observer magazine:

#TexasNeedsAnObserver! Become a member and get our magazine, six times per year:

#politics #news #USpol #Texas #GregAbbott #HB2127 #democracy #journalism #comics

Content warning: uspol ncpol northcarolina fascism

“Data shows for the first time that the peak demand for electricity this summer will exceed the amount we can generate from on-demand, dispatchable power, so we will be relying on #renewables to keep the lights on.”

But rather than fix the grid, #Republicans spent their time in the #Texas legislature trying to block renewable #energy:

#environment #infrastructure #ClimateChange #TXlege #politics #news #USpol #OilAndGas

Gender-affirming care—for ADULTS—is now predictably under attack in #Texas. This is part of a Republican plan of genocide underway against #trans people. We need cis allies to be loud and angry on our behalf. Pay attention, this doesn't end here or with us: via @texastribune

#LGBTQIA+ #transgender #transphobia #HumanRights #Healthcare #news #Politics #TXlege #USpol #gender

Content warning: USPol, Trans Genocide (good news for once)

”Employees are expected to comply with this dress code in a manner consistent with their biological #gender.”—#Texas Department of #Agriculture memorandum

Ag Dept employees received an unwelcome surprise in a new dress code issued last week that seems aimed at oppressing #transgender and #nonbinary workers, reports Digital Editor Kit @oconnell based on a document leaked to us:

#transphobia #LGBTQIA+ #news #politics #USpol #trans #HumanRights #GregAbbott #Republicans

This is excellent #journalism from the #WashingtonPost about the group leading the charge to roll back child labor protections, but it also shows that “conservative” is not the right word to describe this kind of politics —it is radical change, of which most Americans are unaware. It’s time for #USPol #journalists to retire the word conservative in describing modern #GOP politics.

Have you reached out to your elected official yet about the ongoing war on #trans people?

If not, it's time you did.

Here's a link to the Congress, where you can find out your local congressperson's contact details.

And here's the same for the Senate:

Even if you didn't vote for them, WRITE TO THEM. CALL THEM.

Even if you're not #trans, #nonbinary or #Genderqueer, go ahead and #BeAnAlly.


#USPol requires EVERYONE to play their part.


The idea underlying white male supremacy is at least 6000 years old

Class hierarchy - which arose with the city state - came out of earlier patriarchal notions of women's "natural" inferiority

The ancients held gender nonconformity to be "womanly", hence "weak"

This "womanly, hence weak" label became attached to other out-groups as politically required

origins of misogyny,14949


#USPol #UKPol #CdnPoli #AusPol

Donna Brazile:
The Excellence of Kamala Harris Is Hiding in Plain Sight

“For too many Americans, the idea that nonwhites and women actually got their jobs because of their qualifications, experience and talents is hard to believe. Maybe that’s because for most of American history, white men were the only people considered for high-level jobs in what amounted to affirmative action for them.”

#BlackMastodon #USPol #WomensHistoryMonth

Gift link:

We’ve heard that Republicans cheated in polls in 2022 to create a “red wave” narrative and deceive Dems.

That’s true, and there’s even a deeper issue. When we focus on polls too much, even correct polls, it leads to passiveness.
That’s a lamppost problem—
polls can’t measure some important things. For example, polls don’t measure persuasion, which happens over months or longer.

Reupping my 2021 piece on polling and Dem leaders:


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