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in reply to Jen Sorensen

Up next: the umpteenth demand that you learn to appreciate the feelings of these mom-and pop-racists in this East Bypass, Iowa diner.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

The corporate media didn't "forget" a damn thing. They know what they're doing.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Our democracy was already a walking corpse. Brought to you by the lesser of two evils.

Every idiot who told you "can't let perfect be the enemy of good" every primary and election for the last 50 years landed us here.

Neolibs kicked the can down the road until there was no road left.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen
Always Look at the Bright Side of Life by Monty Python
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I’m handling my grief by becoming a total recluse. Circumstances are aiding me as my car has been broken down for a week, I haven’t had any hot water for over 2 weeks and I can’t use the washing machine because the new water heater has not yet been installed. there are other reasons but it is strangely tranquil this way.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

so, what do we do now? You have been a voice of realism these past few years. Is there any hope not built on a mountain of dead bodies?

... God, fuck accelerationists.

in reply to ManVsXerox: Resistful Dingus

@manvsxerox Take care of ourselves and others, seek out trustworthy sources of information, and try to keep the flame alive. That's all I've got.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Brush with? ???
Many of us have felt like we've been living under a police state since at least Reagan, and the Democrats have been happy to pile on. They certainly ran away from defund, even though the real referendum was and continues to be the working class economy. I'll thank the Democrats for some more liberal policies on environment and social justice, but those still take a backseat to the interests of capitalists. Plus we should think of authority globally.

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