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in reply to Jen Sorensen

Dear fellow #vermin, vote like your life depends on the outcome, because my friend, it surely does
in reply to Jen Sorensen

See also how they have softened the word "authoritarian" "Authoritarian" is a great word to hide "fascism" behind because Americans associate the word "authority" with expertise and protection. "He's an authority in his field." "Don't worry, I'll report this to the authorities."
That's why one should use "fascist" instead
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

the empowerment of bigotry he has promulgated is disgusting.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

I love the look of earnest "hey I'm doing a great job" look on the news anchor's face.

It's the purpose of journalism to provide a fair overview of a story to us, but they also have a responsibility to push back when their story has the potential for real harm.

@davew calls this horserace journalism, and it exists because the owners of media companies exert editorial influence on their staff.

I'm giving anchors the benefit of the doubt - the ones speaking out are independent.

in reply to Jen Sorensen

on a related note, why do the right always say The Democrat Party now? Its the Democratic Party ffs
in reply to Jen Sorensen

That captures the sorry state of much of #MSM when it comes to #DonaldTrump and #Election2024

Real #journalism requires practioners to ask every member of the #GOP to clarify whether they are in alignment with the #VerminSpeech

Real #journalists do not accept the usual evasive tactics utilized by pols in evading hard questions by attempting to run the clock down because of the tyranny of time slots

No moving on or spinning away without answering the question


in reply to Martin Nutty

@mnutty I agree that it captures the story states of much of MSM, but not the way you think.

The comic strip took the quote out of context, and so anyone who read the whole paragraph realizes that the comic strip is being a bit fast and loose with its facts, so the rest of it isn’t very convincing.

Yes, much like so much reporting these days, which is why so many have lost trust in journalism.


in reply to volkris

Oh please we know exactly who #DonaldTrump means when he refers to #Marxists and #Communists.


There is no context when a politician refers to his political opponents as #Vermin. I know #Facism when I see it


in reply to Martin Nutty

@mnutty they literally cut off the text

How can you know that you know exactly what the speaker means when you deny that there is any context?

It’s one thing to tolerate out of context reporting. It’s something different to declare that there is no more context.

It’s like flatly saying that there is nothing outside of the echo chamber.

It’s a pretty telling statement to put on the table.


in reply to volkris

The job of the cartoonist is not to report verbatim. It is to lampoon. If you don’t understand the full reference or context, then you’d have to be asleep at the wheel
in reply to Martin Nutty

@mnutty Well then I guess like you said, here is a cartoonist lampooning journalism and the way they misreport fact to confirm biases all the time.

Jokes on us I guess.


in reply to Jen Sorensen

I disagree.

As you can see from your screenshot and also confirm in video recordings, he went on to clarify what he was talking about with more specific complaints than merely the singling out of people of different political persuasions.

So with that included it changes his proposal, that he was going to prosecute people who “lie and cheat and steal on elections”

Yes, that’s all part of the BS that he feeds his crowd, but it changes the line away from being just about prosecuting political groups, as it has been portrayed.

When I listened to the original audio and double checked it with the video right now, with his pacing I believe it should be regarded as one long sentence, not cut in half as so many have.


in reply to Jen Sorensen

I love how the last panel (maybe last two) show the media's role in normalising outrageous behaviour. Great work!

Imagine if the media continued the "it's outrageous" message instead of inviting bad faith actors to whitewash it.

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Great stuff, as usual. Is ok to put some of your comics and translations of them in my new site?
in reply to Elon Muksis

@bhasic Thank you! Yes, you may post some comics and translations with credit.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Great. I'm just migrating the site to a better hosting, but I will add credits.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Remember when conservatives thought calling someone (whose career can charitably be described as sucking blood money from uncaring hosts) 'bedbug' was unacceptably inhumanizing?

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