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in reply to Jen Sorensen

This is ridiculous. Almost like blaming gun owners for shootings. 😡
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Have you considered maybe not doing stupid stuff? Like maybe looking into holism instead of an outdated medical system that pays into the corpos who finance your hated Right and ineffective Left?

Or maybe dropping the use of rhetoric save when bolstered by ACTUAL SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY?

in reply to Jen Sorensen

before championing Dems as left how often have they overturned regressive fascist policies of Repubs when regaining power? More often than not those rightwing policies are solidified and made more permanent by Dems. The Left literally has no political power within government because the left isn't represented, just corpofascists.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Funny because today's Democrats are to the right of such 70's centrists as Scoop Jackson (D-WA) on most issues.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

this is beautifully put Jen.

I got this persistent cynical feeling that there is maybe no way to counter hate borne of ignorance with humour borne of sophistication, but I am no less grateful to see it said. 🌻🌻

in reply to Jen Sorensen

I want to add that this comic is intended not so much as a statement on centrist Democrats vs. the Left in the US, but how the media always blames the Dems/progressives/left for Republican misbehavior and Trumpism. As another commenter mentioned here, this phenomenon is known as Murc's Law.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

As David Roberts is quoted in the above linked post:

"This is not some quirk, it is central to reactionary psychology. Every fascist (and fascist-adjacent) movement ever has told itself the same story: our opponents are destroying everything, they’re forcing us to this, we have no choice but violence."

in reply to Jen Sorensen

About "the news". The arc of major media always bends towards protecting capitalism. Always. Once you see it, then you can't unsee it.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

More infrastructure spending was one of Trump's main things in the '16 campaign. This cartoon has a really odd understanding of "Trumpism".
in reply to Erik Haugen

@ech That panel is referring to things Biden has accomplished that have widespread appeal, in contrast to US pundits' accusations that Democrats have been pursuing some kind of radical agenda. It is true that Trump promised to fund infrastructure, but he didn't succeed in doing much.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

just saying that woman would have been against Trump in a big way.

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