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in reply to Jen Sorensen

High time that Biden shoots agent orange in broad daylight on 5th Avenue…
After al he is covered by presidential immunity to neutralize his opponents.
Its for the good of the country…
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

The Left will be bloodless, after they let all our blood out.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

One of the reasons I love to support @jensorensen on Patreon is that she talks about the thinking going into a comic.
"The domestic abuser analogy is not original to me; people were saying it on social media and I figured I would draw it since it's apt.

The day after the Supreme Court's ghastly immunity ruling, Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts rejoiced in an interview on the pro-insurrectionist War Room podcast. "
-Jen Sorensen from her Patreon.

in reply to Jen Sorensen

And that's exactly why Kevin "bloodless "Roberts is getting 6 from an anonymous donor on Monday...
We had to do this when the perverts wanted to know who was menstruating...
Now we need to do it for Kevins wake up call.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

when we said globalize the intifada, we didn't mean this.

they are going to treat everyone like a Palestinian

in reply to Jen Sorensen

That quote is a threat and should be interpreted as an invitation to (if not justification of) the sort of ‘violent revolution’ communists like to talk about.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

"We will not resort to violence, unless we have decided violence is warranted. So we won't do violence unless we want to do violence."

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