Items tagged with: uxn
It's time for an afternoon break and I wanted to give #uxn a try. I'm on NixOS. I see there's a package on nixpkgs:
is that a good idea to go this way? Does that make a difference from following the instructions at
nixpkgs/pkgs/by-name/ux/uxn/package.nix at nixos-24.11 · NixOS/nixpkgs
Nix Packages collection & NixOS. Contribute to NixOS/nixpkgs development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
I wrote a quick script to convert 1-bit drawings in Noodle’s .icn format to .png
I call it Poodle. Only Noodles can be Poodled at the moment, but I hope to generalize this to any .icn file.
I love writing scripts that help me with my hobbies 😀 I am using Noodle to draw scenes from an Underground fantasy world I am dreaming up. Here is “Ayers’ Node”
sonoshee/ at main · seanlabean/sonoshee
python pixel sorter and glitchy gif generator. Contribute to seanlabean/sonoshee development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
This is unxgo, inspired and based on @RavenLuni 's work at Hundred Rabbits.
With many thanks and unreserved admiration for @RavenLuni and @rek 's inspiring, delicate, and beautifully precise work
My stuff is work in progress, not yet complete, may not compile. May implement a different kind of bitmap graphics system going forward.
My goal is not to offer a competing Varvara implementation on big systems, but to learn the platform and see how much of it I'm able to implement on other smaller systems. Possibly, eventually with TinyGo on microcontrollers, Z80, and the like.
Other work in progress: a DSL that works like a lua layer on top of unxtal called ualunx
GitHub - ha1tch/unxgo: A trivial unx implementation in Go
A trivial unx implementation in Go. Contribute to ha1tch/unxgo development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Since I seem to have more money than sense, I got hold of an #AnaloguePocket and gotta say, this thing sure is cool.
Here it is running Donsol by @neauoire and @rek (#varvara core).

Alternative to Web !today - tsoding on Twitch
tsoding went live on Twitch. Catch up on their Software and Game Development VOD now.Twitch
I'm a little bit tired of Z80, I'm taking a break and I'll be learning #uxntal by the great @neauoire
Join me !!
#vtuber #twitch #uxn #uxntal #permacomputing #happyBunny
AstatinChan - Twitch
✨ I'm Astatin ! I'm developing a Gameboy game live on Twitch ! ✨ Feel free to come hang out in my chat 🍵 I'd be happy to talk with you about anything !Twitch
I’ve been learning some Verilog, and attempting to rewrite the Pocket Varvara core.
The design is a little simpler than before. It’s also a little faster and higher res now
It still doesn’t do everything the PipelineC version of core can do, but this rewrite may prove worthwhile in the end. Lots of catching up to do still 🙂
The screen test ROM is looking pretty good though, except for the top and left edge
Finished v0.1.0 of Tuor, a basic Gemini client for #uxn.
For now it requires Finwë's `.Net` device, so you'll have to run with with `finwe -g src/main.finw` rather than any other Uxn emulator.
There's still a lot to do, but for now I'm going to focus on getting `.Net` into other emulators, and fixing the many issues in Finwë that working on Tuor surfaced (`rg 'TODO: Finwe: ' src/`).
GitHub - kiedtl/tuor: A Gemini client for Varvara, written in Finwë.
A Gemini client for Varvara, written in Finwë. Contribute to kiedtl/tuor development by creating an account on GitHub.GitHub
Autumn is just around the corner, and when the leaves begin to fall, it will have been four years since the early sketches of a personal computing system which became #Uxn. I thought it would be interesting to look back and see what has happened since.
uxn.wasm/src/uxn.wat at main · remko/uxn.wasm
WebAssembly implementation of the Uxn virtual machine - remko/uxn.wasmGitHub
kodiak version 1 is done!
there are still some things i'd like to add later but for a #uxn solitaire game this is fairly complete.
splash screen ✔️
animations ✔️
automatic moves ✔️
music ✔️
get the ROM and source code here:
the #oldcomputerchallenge brings together not just machine freaks, hackers, or ascetics. Just idling in the irc channel exposes one to many hidden talents.
Mouse-drawn radio by emilio in noodle.
#uxn #art #monochrome
You don't need xorg to video-game on a 20 year old machine running OpenBSD.
Content warning: I've been puzzling over the Binary Golf 4 puzzle, the task is to create the smallest self-replicating file.
I finally managed to release #uxnfloppy, my bootable x86 #uxn emulator
Try it out here:
I got wondering how much work it would be to compile s-expressions to #uxn, it turns out, not a lot.
As a test, I've only implemented `let`, but it's shockingly easy to map lisp-like syntax to the uxn assembly, I might push this further still.
I spent the evening analyzing opcode usage in UXN programs.
The most used opcodes are DEO2, JMP2r and ADD2. Almost half of all opcodes are never used in the 22413 LOC that were analyzed. The majority of unused opcodes are return stack variants ("r").
In the table below, the most used opcodes are marked in red, the least used in blue. Opcodes that were never used are shown in light grey.