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Items tagged with: permacomputing

Accessing mastodon on a low resource computer like the Raspberry Pi is painful. The web UI is bloated and apps are either equally unresponsive or very minimalistic. 😢

The #dillo web browser however is incredibly fast and efficient but can't access mastodon as it doesn't support Javascript. So I'm experimenting with my little Dillo plugin in Python to access the API. It is very basic. It can't post or search, maybe it never will. But it even loads long threads in an instant. #permacomputing

Somehow I can't reach the etherpad now, but since I promised to post it here anyway, this is a link to the project I mentioned yesterday during the #permacomputing conversation:

As part of the Research Lab 2015 leading to AMRO 2016 (not 2018), in a project initiated by @kairus , artists were given harddrives retrieved from Agbogbloshie, Ghana, the largest e-waste dump in the world, and invited to explore how much data they could resurface to use in art projects. The artists were actually surprised by how much data they were able to recover, leading to ethical questions about the use of personal data without the knowledge or consent of people who believed that data had been destroyed.

I'm a little bit tired of Z80, I'm taking a break and I'll be learning #uxntal by the great @neauoire

Join me !!

#vtuber #twitch #uxn #uxntal #permacomputing #happyBunny

I am a newcomer to the computing world and an aspiring programmer

I've been following the rewriting systems paradigm for quite some time, but @wryl wonderful talk taught me the basics, I tried to use modal by following @neauoire modal article, it is so rewarding.

It surely can build intuition overtime.

So Thank you to both of you and also @capital, @sakiamu

Also, Is there community elsewhere than discord that I can join?

talk -

#rewriting #modal #permacomputing

Took a stab at writing a page on #Go on the #Permacomputing wiki: which is, yanno, spicy due to $reasons. It think it approachs critical "parity" with the Rust page 🙃 I'd be interested in feedback and suggestions for edits are most welcome 🙏 I'm by no means an expert on all this backwards compatibility stuff with older C versions and long-term portability...

Hi fellow permacomputer!

If you're in #berlin next Sunday and interested in sustainable computing, you should come to the #permacomputing meetup! We're meeting on 11 August at 19:00 at @offline. We'll have a chat about, a weird web server that I built from scraps that were lying around and that's running completely on solar power. Take that AI data centers! Please join us for an informal discussion of ideas and real-world practices around Permacomputing. Non-nerd-identified, newbies and perma-curious are especially welcome!

Bring food and snacks to share if you want, see you there!

New *Damaged Earth Catalog* entry: :www_server: Redundant Technology 🛠️ going way back to 1997:

Lots of thanks to @jameswallbank for insights into the motivations and strategies at the heart of the Redundant Technology Initiative ❤️ #permacomputing #lowtech #SmallWeb #sustainability #tech

The #Berlin #Permacomputing meetup is tonight at 19:00!

@mntmn will tell us the story of building up hardware and software stacks from scratch with the goal of making a computer designed for longevity, flexibility and openness. There will be hands-on demonstrations and a super-sweet keyboard.

We want to expand our community. Non-nerd-identified, newbies and perma-curious are especially welcome!

Our Networks: Does not (cloud) compute
Vancouver, BC July 27, 2024

Upcoming event at the intersection of #permacomputing and #localfirst.

i cannot get over how good this piece of writing by @neauoire is. this is (i think) the first time i've been brought to tears while reading about technology

absolutely beautiful

#computing #sustainability #permacomputing #repairability #elegance #simplicity

(images are licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)

Watt-Wise Game Jam started yesterday, and the submission deadline will be on April 22nd.

Interestingly, the introductory text has been written from the point of view that the entire frame would be recalculated on every screen refresh. This is actually an approach that sometimes annoys me a lot. Especially in turn-based games that waste CPU cycles even when waiting or paused.

#permacomputing #wattwisegamejam #wattwise

Berlin #permacomputing Meet-Up is on Monday 25.03. - 20:00 at Please join us for a convivial discussion of Platform Detox, e-waste redemption and design for de-growth:

Watt-Wise Game Jam

"Build delightful games that use as little energy per second as possible in order to make games and computing more sustainable, and to discover new directions for software aesthetics. [...] We are developing both hardware and software estimation techniques for measuring energy consumption. Participants can use our open source power estimation tooling while developing their games to optimize for using less power. "

#permacomputing #lowtech #videogames #energy

Dear #Frankfurt, we hope to see you tonight at our NODE+CODE #Meetup #13 on #Permacomputing and #Sustainability 💚

📆 Thursday 8th, February 2024, 19:00:
📍Crespo Foundation, Berliner Str. 27, Frankfurt am Main
🎟️ free entry & 🍲 free yummy soup!

See you tonight!

Vesna Manojlovic released an article today to inform technical communities of the research presented at the LIMITS conference.

Hey we're a small group who put together a FREE programme of presentations around low-tech, permacomputing, collective tech practices, extraction, and ewaste.

Saturday 2 December, Amsterdam



Come and join us, listen to talks, ask questions, hang around and plot together about pmc and related practices.

with: Abdelrahman Hassan @cmos4040 @latentspace @l03s @marieverdeil @michal @neajul @praxeology Shailoh Phillips, Sunjoo Lee @unbinare

FOMO alert: nope it's not streamed and probably won't be recorded, *but* surely you know a lot of cool people around you doing connected things, :unwanted_thinking: what about you try to organise something local as well? See

#lowtech #permacomputing #ewaste #amsterdam

Our next #permacomputing meetup is this Sunday, November 12th at 1:00 PM EST. You can join us in person (319 N. 11th St. 2I, PHL) or remotely via Jitsi Meet. This month we’re discussing the talk “An approach to computing and sustainability inspired from permaculture” by Devine Lu Linvega.

Branch Magazine: Issue 6

"An approach to computing and sustainability inspired from permaculture" by @neauoire

#StrangeLoop #permacomputing

Practising Permacomputing: Call for workshop participants

"This autumn is dedicated to Practising Permacomputing; a concept and a nascent community of practice-oriented around issues of resilience and regenerativity in computer and network technology derived, among others, from permaculture principles. As part of this community, space is offered to makers and thinkers in digital culture (and other connected areas) to put the fundamentals and applications of #permacomputing into practice through a series of workshops, a meetup, and a concluding day of public presentations with guests. Join us to explore permacomputing futures!"

#workshop #selfhosting #datacenter #recycling #electronics #plants #amsterdam

One thing that stood out to me at #ComputingWithinLimits yesterday was that the "Back to the Trees" talk seemed to (accidentally?) deeply engage with the #Permacomputing topic, without mentioning it at all.

When our little Malmö hub discussed PC we got stuck on how creating hardware is an inherently destructive process, and using what already exists is great, but not the same as the regenerative abundance that permaculture aims for. We didn't see a way out of that

@neauoire #permacomputing ⬆️ pas eu le temps de creuser mais ça semble intéressant. [EDIT]: y a plein de "Lorem ipsum" sur leur site 😕

Just remembered that I've got a linkhut account (best/closest thing since/to!) and have collected a list of further reading materials for the 3-day "Limits-aware creative computing" workshop I started teaching earlier this week. More will be added over coming days. Sharing here for others interested:

cc/ @adamgreenfield @danielrothaug

#PermaComputing #Transdisciplinary #Degrowth

Wrote a blog post about array programming, poetry, lightsabers, and then ended with some thoughts on #permacomputing, its aesthetics, and where I locate its goals.

If you like but feel it’s a bit too rigid/clean-cut/apolitical, if you want to read/share more social/societal analysis of technology, more #smalltech endeavours, more #permacomputing and tech-minimalist stuff, please consider reading and contributing to

I find it awesome but we are not enough there. I’m also sometime looking for alternatives to the hackernews-venture-capitalist vibe.

Send me a PM with your email to receive an invitation.

#tilde #minimalism

merci pour le lien, mais un site sur la sobriété qui te fait loader une page web de 1630 kb pour t'offrir un pdf de 302 kb qui contient finalement 17 kb laisse perplexe.

Pour l'exemple, voici un site réellement sobre, consigné grâce à @neauoire:

Aussi, aucune mention des pratiquants *actuels* de la sobriété numérique. Une simple recherche de mots clefs comme #smalltech #permacomputing #gemini donne une tonne de résultats ignorés par ce manifeste.

Did you know that every week a new zip file containing an offline version of the permacomputing wiki is automagically generated to facilitate access from your comfy off the grid cabin in the woods?

ikiwiki local html files do not play super nicely with browsers though, so I had to massage them a bit.

#permacomputing #ikiwiki #thebittersweethobbyofwritingregexp

Counter-N interviewed me and @l03s about #permacomputing, and the result is now available. As a PDF file that is 10 times larger than an equivalent HTML file would be, but I guess no one's perfect. Many other interesting #alternativecomputing interviews also available.

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