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Items tagged with: instagram


me: Instagram is down, join

#pixelfed #instagram

Hace unos días, la comunidad de @fedora, en #Instagram, preguntó cuál era el equipo más viejo en el que tenían esta #distro instalada.

Pues, este #ViernesDeEscritorio se lo dedico a mi Acer Aspire 4739z, con procesador Intel Pentium P6200 que he usado y abusado desde 2012... hasta he editado videos en esta laptop.

Y, como @itsfoss también había pedido que mostráramos nuestros escritorios de #Linux, aquí está uno.

Una máquina menos en la pila de basura electrónica.

IG/Meta has been inserting the word "terrorist" into the bios of users that included the words Palestinian" and “alhamdulillah” (which means praise to Allah, or God) #meta #instagram #palestine #war

If you're a photographer and getting super hacked off with the amount of trash on Instagram please consider joining @thefotoapp's Beta list before the 27th September (

It's advert free, some of their tiers will be subscription based however, no ads, no videos, no sponsored posts, no spam, no intrusion other than photography.

#Photography #Foto #FotoApp #BelieveInFilm #DigitalPhotography #NewApp #InstagramSucks #MetaSucks #Instagram

I think I found the domain name of #Threads, #Meta's new #Fedi-enabled service, also codenamed #Project92, #P92, and #Barcelona.

IPv6: 2a03:2880:f231:c5:face:b00c:0:43fe (note "face:b00c")

Looking up returns #Instagram's logo, the title "Barcelona" and "this page isn't available" (probably because it's not open yet).

I'd recommend every #MastoAdmin #FediAdmin in the #FediPact to #FediBlock them before they go live on the #Fediverse!

The best way to describe #Barcelona is that it's "#Mastodon if it was #Instagram".

#Instagram is now allowing people to comment with GIFs.

The Verge doesn't like this and bemoans the death of thoughtful analysis. I'm sorry... what?

When did Instagram ever have thoughtful analysis in the comment section? Most of the comments I ever got on Instagram were 🔥emoji, and "Looking good!"

Meanwhile, here on the #Fediverse, we've had GIF comments for ages, and the reputation we have is that we're all overly-serious folks!

Hey, #Calckey even allows you to make MFM animations!

I don't think GIFs have anything to do with how "thoughtful" and "analytical' a social media comment might be.

Luego de casi dos décadas parece que el reinado absoluto de #Google podría estar llegando a su fin por una cuestión generacional 🤳

Hay estudios que indican que la llamada generación Z recurre más a #TikTok e #Instagram


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