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Items tagged with: desktop

[strong]Friendica: Fehlende Emoticons in der mobilen Version?[/strong]

Ich nutze sowohl die Desktopversion als auch die mobile Version der Friendica Weboberfläche. Nun ist mir schon mehrere Male aufgefallen das in der mobilen Version von Friendica manche Emoticons nicht angezeigt werden. In der Desktopversion sieht es so aus:

Und in der mobilen Version so:

Ich nutze sowohl auf dem Desktop als auch mobil Firefox, daran sollte es also nicht liegen. Die URL des entsprechenden Beitrags ist hier:

Woran kann das liegen?

#Friendica #Frage #Emoticons #Darstellung #Mobil #Desktop #2025-01-25 !Friendica Support

me too, I only use #linux as a #workstation, thus Linux #desktop is the primary use case for me :blobcatcoffee: #linustorvalds is a #legend

Going into 2025 on a #slowtech kick. Picked up a #macpro 5,1 from craiglist, ordered a 12 core #cpu tray w/ 32GB of #ram. Will share more upgrades as they come in. When it’s all installed, I’m planning on running some flavor of #linux on it as a personal #desktop. #photo #photography #tech #apple #foss #floss #opensource Next piece is a 2.5” SSD as the startup disk. Should I get more RAM? @itsfoss

In fact, I've been using #Raspi4, 8GB a couple of years as a #desktop computer. works like a charm. No, I do not #video editing and the like but every other task you would expect in your daily work without problems.

it never has been better for #LinuxGaming . Yet there is still a long way to go, until the last developers see that #Linux is here to stay and can't be ignored anymore. Linux is the past, the present and the future. And just as Microsoft once said, Linux is CANCER ! It slowly but surly eats Microsofts former marketshare, especially on the #dEsktop. ( on servers , appliances and embedded there is no more competition ;] ) Linux FTW , all the way! #OpenSource OR BUST!

I just installed COSMIC Desktop on Fedora 40. It works smoothly and is very fast. All apps open instantly with no glitches or hangs, and everything functions perfectly. Well Done, COSMIC team. #cosmic #desktop #fedora40 #system76

The Cosmic desktop is still alpha but the concept of a desktop enviroment based of Rust is promising. I am looking forward to seeing the progress of this project in the coming months.

#linux #rust #cosmic #desktop #system76

After fighting with its users for years, the GNOME project finally implements a thumbnails-based option in the file picker. That it was a good idea was obvious to everyone for a long time.
#gnome #desktop #linux #filepicker

Content warning: red 🚦

This week in KDE: Plasma 25th anniversary edition: #linux #kde #desktop #plasma #update #bugfixes

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