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Items tagged with: Debian

in that time my notebook with #Debian has booted 5 times ;)

#pine64 #pinenote recovery and flashing tutorial:
Hello and welcome to possibly the last of my PineNote tutorials, this is a continuation of the RockUSB video where I'll show you how to recover/flash your PineNote. This video doesn't really go into the batch 1 PineNote (since I don't have one), but the same instructions should apply.

#mobilelinux #debian #linux

The Debian Publicity Team will no longer post on X/Twitter. We took this decision since we feel X doesn't reflect Debian shared values as stated in our social contract, code of conduct and diversity statement. X evolved into a place where people we care about don't feel safe. You are very much invited to follow us on , on , or any media as listed on #debian

Good for #Debian. This random user of that distro is relieved at signs of good decision making.

Debian has parted ways with X/Twitter. 😮

#linux #debian #twitter

Full #pine64 #pinenote software demonstration, reading ebooks, taking notes and the tailored Gnome experience.

This video is to help users wondering if they should buy one, if it will suit their needs. Note, the PineNote is still a developers/tinkerers device, so you will still need enough knowledge to recover the device if something goes wrong.

#linuxmobile #debian

I have to try this, steam works great on #debian

the same as i have used the last 26 years #Debian.
And it have been rock solid for anything i throw at it. Ofcourse only buying hardware supported by the linux kernel, helps a whole lot.

#debian : old software. Everytime I got a problem with it, the internet said: this got fixed 2 years ago, wait a bit longer and you get the update.

#arch : Awesome, but pacman is on another level. I barely can remember the flags I need.

#GarudaLinux Drag0nized : looks really good, but it's just not for me. Would recommend trying it for people, who put more RGB in their case than my GPU got CUDA Cores. But still, it looks very clean.

It's 2024, and I use my Linux Mint laptop day after day, week after week, month after month without a bug or care. It "just works" for me. This "boringness" is something I deeply appreciate.

For the longest time before this final-feeling long-awaited "made it" state (on my laptop), there was always some irritation, some compromise, some papercut that would spur me to distro-hop every 9-ish months or so.

Now I don't _really_ care what a distro is, as I finally feel settled. Laptop? Linux Mint. Raspberry Pi? Raspberry Pi OS. And a VPS in the cloud? Debian.

#Linux #OpenSource #RaspberryPi #Debian

That was yesterday. After using #Linux for more than a decade on smaller servers for home projects like DNS, Radius, a Wiki and more, I decided to go for #Debian on my brand new laptop.

Installation went smoothly and was completed in less than 20 minutes, with all hardware working immediately.

There is so much to like that it would not fit into a reasonable number of posts 😇

From the speed to the desktop environment, the available applications and easy to use customization options.

#debian is perfect with xfce. I also use it in a gnome-shell environment

What beats #Arch on desktop, #Debian on server...

Debian 13 “Trixie” to feature different /tmp behavior.

#linux #debian

Amazing. Incredible! Been waiting for something like this.

Now let's hope they keep it open/libre and painless (I'm talking about you, nvidia!) I'm very satisfied with AMD now, but this is very promising for a powerhouse yet lightweight laptop.

#Debian, yeah!

#Ubuntu moving away from .deb is a good idea on paper to get them less reliant on #Debian. It's just the fact of how bad #snap has been as a package manager and no one seems to like it but they're still going full steam ahead.

Is it showing us Egyptians already use #Debian in antique times? :ablobcateyesflip:

in honor of being real good software, my #debian laptop background pic:

Happy Debian Day - going 30 years strong #Linux #Debian

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