Items tagged with: MobileLinux
#pine64 #pinenote recovery and flashing tutorial:
Hello and welcome to possibly the last of my PineNote tutorials, this is a continuation of the RockUSB video where I'll show you how to recover/flash your PineNote. This video doesn't really go into the batch 1 PineNote (since I don't have one), but the same instructions should apply.
#mobilelinux #debian #linux
Here is how:
Thanks to Oren Klopfer for porting and Milan Korecky for the instructions.
#Pine64 #MobileLinux #Ubuntu #Linux #OpenSource
#MobileLinux #LinuxOnMobile #LinuxMobile #ShotOnPinePhonePro
#pinephone #pinephonepro #librem5
Weekly GNU-like Mobile Linux Update (28/2022): New Manjaro betas, Sailfish OS supporting VoLTE and RkVDEC progress is a blog about LINux on MOBile devices. With the PinePhone (Pro) and Librem 5 shipping it is back to report on GNU+Linux on mobile devices.LINux on MOBile
#LinuxPhone #PinePhone #mobile #debos #OpenSource @thepine64 @mobian @linmob
2 Years of Mobian: Birth and growth of a mobile Linux distribution | FOSDEM 2022
The Mobian project was initiated a few days prior to FOSDEM'20, back when the first PinePhones (BraveHeart edition) were arriving in the hands of developers ...YouTube