1/ #Billionaire #Ecoterrorism
Kill off, sicken, or weaken, your own citizens & neighbors so long as you can make billions?
The ruling families say, "Fuck, yes!"
Toxic gas putting millions at risk in #MiddleEast
[& in the US, but shhh.🤫 ]
""Very disturbing. Big oil companies (#BP, #Shell, et. al) & states in the Middle East are violating the human rights of millions of people by failing to tackle air pollution from fossil fuels.
"Despite the massive human suffering, Big Oil & #petrostates carry on with business as usual with total impunity & zero accountability."
#climate #pollution #AirPollution #health
Toxic gas putting millions at risk in Middle East, BBC finds
The UAE, hosts of the COP28 climate summit, is breaking its own ban on gas flaring, the BBC finds.By Owen Pinnell and Sarah Ibrahim (BBC News)
This entry was edited (11 months ago)