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Nico 🇩🇰🇺🇦🇪🇺
@gregoryopera @angrytux Only problem with tilvids is they aren’t a part of the fediverse. They don’t federate with the rest of the PeerTube instances.
Unknown parent

Unknown parent

Lord Gregory Opera 🇦🇺
@angrytux I’ve never heard of ‘TILvids’… But it’s #OpenSource (it’s based on #PeerTube, apparently), so it’s a start I guess. It doesn’t have the footprint of some of the other Open Source alternatives, though it’s still miles better than using #YouTube.
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Lord Gregory Opera 🇦🇺
@CodexNotFound @angrytux Why would #crypto *not* be a reason to use a platform, particularly when said platform is built off an #OpenSource protocol (LBRY)? You don’t actually need crypto to use #LBRY / #Odysee , so I don’t really get the point you are trying to make here…
Unknown parent

@gregoryopera @angrytux seeing how odyssee and LBRY are linked to crypto that might be a reason to not want to use it?
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@CodexNotFound @angrytux I’ll admit that their CEO is a little eccentric and his idea of marketing is awfully strange… But they haven’t actually done anything wrong or unethical, as far as I am aware. Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong. Furthermore, #Odysee is a partially (completely?) #OpenSource fork from an Open Source project and based directly on user feedback, they’ve taken steps to increase privacy (such as removing #GoogleAnalytics ).
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@CodexNotFound @angrytux Also, if you’re going 2 make a claim like that, you should back it up with some sort of argument… I’m not necessarily saying you’re wrong, maybe you know something I don’t, but you can’t make a random claim like that without something 2 back it up. That’d be like me saying “Gaming on Linux is a Trojan horse for the CIA - but you only have my word to go off” (for the record, Gaming on Linux is a great site with great people).
in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

If the new YouTube handle is bad for views, I'll change it to something a little longer. Happy to experiment a bit.
Unknown parent

in reply to Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

In #French, gol is sometime used as a shortened version of #gogol, which is a rather derivative way to say someone is #stupid. I know you're an #English-speaking channel, mainly geared towards an #English-speaking public, but still…

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