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What would you do in this situation? 🤔


This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to It's FOSS

It's a toss-up between breaking on the wheel and burning at the stake.
in reply to It's FOSS

Don't blame the engineer, blame the corporate types that insist on pushing that format even when there are better options (and pushing it in slimy ways like making snap-deploying .DEBs)
in reply to It's FOSS

What's wrong with #Ubuntu from #Canonical? Is it because of Snap in Ubuntu? I feel like Snap isn't really that bad, don't hate too much because of Snap in Ubuntu. Because there are still many superior aspects of Ubuntu and its variants. Ubuntu and other variants remain the best Linux for me 👍🏼
#Kubuntu #Lubuntu #UbuntuMATE #Xubuntu #UbuntuBudgie #UbuntuCinnamon
in reply to It's FOSS

Someone created it, but a bunch of developers at Ubuntu implemented it, and now thousands are use it. This thing is spreading!


in reply to It's FOSS

play Snap! in the background and try to convince them to be more like Flathub

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