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🌍 #ClimateChange
Getting hotter πŸ”₯ / colder ❄️
... or what ever I want?

Check out this neat illustrated thread on why "it hasn't warmed in 8 years" based on climate satellite data ... and what this claim has to do with cherry picking by @andrewdessler


#Science #ClimateChange #Statistics #OpenData
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Open Science βœ…

Of course they use the UAH dataset. They always do.

- TLT is *calculated* based on satellite data from other sources. It's not measurements.
- the UAH dataset uses a different method for this calculation than all other satellite based datasets.
- UAH also uses a different correction for drift of measurements than NASA, and the UAH "correction" removes part of the trend.
- the UAH differs significantly from the other big datasets.

source pic:
Unknown parent

Open Science βœ…
I support your enthusiasm and passion, but it would certainly be beneficial to review the material first. But the added graphic is nice! Cheers
in reply to Open Science βœ…

If that data were a stock market chart, I'd take a long position on it. That it is climate change is scary.

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