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Does it really matter what eggs you buy?

Season 4 of Serving Up Science is out today & this episode covers what terminology like "cage-free," "pasture-raised," "organic" & more really means. #food #science

Unknown parent

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

it's clear you are a voice for the animal ag industry. You chose to leave out the part of billions of male chicks being ground up alive once they hatch. You are hiding behind a vail of science to justify the exploitation, abuse, suffering and murder of animals.

You have taken the route of violence instead of kindness through being vegan.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum


I thought I was going to die the other day when I saw "carbon neutral" eggs in the supermarket. How freaking stupid are people?

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

"All eggs are created equal ... nutritionally"

I'm not convinced. I've had eggs from naturally raised chickens that had dark orange yolks and held together better than average store-bought eggs, and they taste better. Perhaps protein wise they're similar, but I'd think they're better for you in other ways.

in reply to David Thompson

@RoguishDavid yes, it's not quite as simple as all eggs are equal (I don't add the text and animations in these).

But we can't say all pasture raised eggs are higher in X than those in cages, because every environment is different. The vitamins & minerals hens have access to varies based on feed & can vary farm to farm (or backyard) or by region or season.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

so I did watch it and most of my questions were not covered at all. It felt like a shill for factory farming of chickens. Truly.

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