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Imagine you’re a 25 year old staffer in Congress responsible for drafting legislation, meeting with constituents, writing speeches & responding to lobbyists. You also make recommendations for how your boss should vote.

Here's how you might start the day: #science #politics
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I'm just trying to remember having that much energy, enthusiasm, and will to do anything. So much of that is a young person's game.
in reply to Carl Johnson

@cjonthehudson A dear friend & mentor once remarked that the most surprising part of his work on Capitol Hill was learning that the nation is largely run by people in their 20s & 30s.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I started state legislative work at 29 and was relatively old; during the years I did a lot of congressional work was in my later thirties and well past the age of many of the people I was working with. In both places, there was the churn of young people who put in 5-6 years and moved on, and then there were the lifers.

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