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Hopefully a slightly less common angle on a famous landmark. San Francisco.

📷 Canon AE-1 Program
🎞️ Kodak Vision3 250D
🔭 Canon FD 50mm/1.4 S.S.C.

#BelieveInFilm #FilmPhotography #AnalogPhotography #35mm #SFBA

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Nice photo from a different angle with the fog drifting around!
I got a couple of interesting photos years ago from further away at Chrissy Field east beach by the southern end of the bridge.
It was a sunny but very windy -summer- April day.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It's beautiful from every angle.

I once had a teacher make us all walk across the bridge. It was gorgeous, but terrifying. But beautiful.

Unknown parent

Eugen Rochko
@kevinrpb Compositionally this one is nicer than mine. But I was on a boat so I couldn't have gone where you went even if I wanted to.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Nice capture on film. Saw this landmark when I was very young.
Unknown parent

Eugen Rochko
@scott It was not quite correct, but this film can take quite a few stops overexposure and this scene was probably a bit darker than others.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

took this one in 2013, just a few meters closer to the bridge.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

what's the cyan shimmering thing in the bottom left?

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