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Born in 1906, computer scientist Grace Hopper invented the first compiler for computer programming language & was among the first programmers of the Harvard Mk1 computer.

Hopper popularized the idea of machine-independent programming languages & paved the way to develop COBOL (an early high-level programming language). She originated the term "bug" to describe computer glitches & became a celebrated Rear Admiral in the US Navy. #science #history

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I personally wrote and/or maintained hundreds of thousands of lines of COmmon Business Oriented Language between the mid-80s and the year 2000. I personally loved COBOL and still have dreams where I’m back at the bank working on those programs. Many thanks to Grace Hopper for creating my livelihood for all those years.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

@lisamelton out of respect for this absolute legend, I shall nobly resist the urge to make any rear admiral jokes.

There should be statues of Grace Hopper in every major city, her life should be the subject of textbooks and movies. She was a total bad ass, perhaps one of the most important people to ever live.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

She was such an amazing badass. Would love to have had the chance to work with her.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I learned COBOL by punching punch cards 😀 A lot of computerized systems still use COBOL, to the surprise of everyone! 😀
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Actually, she identified a computer problem as a bug because it was an actual bug. The name stuck.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I’m pleased to be able to say I saw her speak, do her nanosecond demo, and describe the first “bug” at an ACM conference in Syracuse in the early 80s - an inspiring brush with fame
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I'm absolutely stunned by the number of women my age (67) and younger, flat out refuse to believe this is real history. I'm surrounded by women who see tech as so gender coded that they describe science as masculine and women who develop their interest into a skill as having "masculine energy" and other ridiculous woo-woo phrases and terms.
in reply to Muirén NíSídach

@muiren Own it. so much of it is stolen. Take it back.

Rosalind Franklin comes to mind having worked in a lab with a student of Dr Crick.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

"You manage things; you lead people”

--Rear Admiral Grace Hopper

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I'm pretty sure COBOL was actually the work of Satan himself.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

She was not the first person to write a compiler. That would be Alick Glennie, who wrote the Autocode compiler just before Grace did.

However, Grace did publish about compiler before Alick. Alick was first to implement one.

She did, however, coin the term bug and help develop COBOL. An amazing person.

This entry was edited (8 months ago)
Unknown parent

Muirén NíSídach
Kewel, I'll following that hash.
This entry was edited (8 months ago)
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

the Computer Service Center at NAS North Island, CA is named after her.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

My Mumy invented the term « bug » to distract humans and let them think we were dumb machines ! Humans are the bug !
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I once rode an elevator with Grace Hopper.

BTW, there is a Grace Hopper/Anita Borg institute.

in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I had the privilege of meeting her once, although I was too young at the time to fully appreciate it. She was invited to speak to the Sigma Xi chapter at Dupont in Delaware, and my dad took me along to hear her. She was in uniform at the time, and a fascinating speaker.

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