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in reply to It's FOSS

Попробуй собрать программу из исходников при 4-х ГБ ОЗУ 🙂
in reply to It's FOSS

Try to build a program from the source with 4 GB of RAM🙂
in reply to It's FOSS

My router runs OpenWRT, so Linux does run on 128 MB RAM. And I bought my router for $5 at a thrift store.
in reply to It's FOSS

128 millibits? That is quite a #smol amount of bits! You would need about eight of those to make a bit.
in reply to It's FOSS

Eh, sort of not fair in some ways. Which I say as a Linux user. Some distros run horribly on weak systems and conversely, most versions of Windows can be cleaned up a lot to run on surprisingly weak hardware. (I used to have a cleaned up version of 10 on a 2-in-1 that had a really weak Atom processor and 4GB of RAM.) If you compare apples to apples it can be a little more even really. Which is to say a heavy Gnome system with lots of extras loaded compared to 11 or, conversely, Xfce compared to 10 or earlier cleaned up.

I think the real comparison here is that Windows (even 10) is now giving the user an enema unless one jumps through about 50 different hoops to fix it -- a thing which any reputable distro of Linux would not do (no hoops needed.)

in reply to It's FOSS

actual question: if i have a laptop with a single core 1,6ghz processor, 512mb of ram and a hdd for storage what's like the main bottle neck for running desktop linux?
in reply to It's FOSS

Last time I checked Alpine came in at 128MB alltogether. Don't know how much RAM that needed, but less I guess.

(Alpine is a tiny Linux distro optimized for running in containers)

Edit: my fault, just realized that in that case the kernel is outside of the distro and needs as much RAM as it needs on the host. Likely much more 😀

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)

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