Window's AI-powered Recall feature is an absolute train wreck.
Microsoft's Recall AI Declared Insecure by Expert Before Launch
Uh-Oh, Microsoft, it doesn't look like you will be able to earn user's trust with things like this.Sourav Rudra (It's FOSS News)
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
Robert-André Mauchin
in reply to It's FOSS • • •Johns
in reply to It's FOSS • • •From the article: "That is where the problem lies, Microsoft is banking on the encryption already present on a user's device, and is of the belief that a malicious actor would need physical access to a user's device to compromise Recall data."
So, if you livewithan abuser you better not try to browse the net for help, you're fucked.
What the actual fuck Microsoft, what the actual fuck.