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in reply to Jen Sorensen

you nailed it in the last frame. Social media has wrecked us. The younger generation takes it far less seriously.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

ooh that last panel…I know someone who claimed to be a liberal, until her Facebook friends called her out about how she disparaged unhoused people in a post. Then she went full-on right wing and an adamant MAGA Q believer.

It’s like some people can’t stand being uncomfortable or embarrassed and rather than do some self-reflection, they lash out at those that make them feel uncomfortable.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Jen Sorensen

Cowards keep making money in a dictatorship.

American spite should be labeled a disease and could be sold by weight.

in reply to Jen Sorensen

so funny but also too real. I have seen lawyers blogging about why Trump should not be removed from the ballot. Ostensibly to calm us all down but after a while you see their same arguments in Trump legal filings. You begin to wonder if they are false flag operations to raise respectability of Trump arguments. All the while telling people to not be alarmed...go to sleep...everything is normal...and buy my latest book or I will block you.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

The fella with the laptop is legit public intellectual.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

The last panel is literally Scott Adams. By his own words.
in reply to Jen Sorensen

This is funny, but @Teri_Kanefield has a good explainer why this probably can't work — or if it does will lead to a new arbitrary power for the state.

in reply to Jen Sorensen

The same philosophy as espoused by people who complain about NATO provoking Putin by daring to protect small Baltic states:

"Fascists have feelings too"

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