PhD position investigating algae toxicity on fish, mussels and zooplankton in the Oder River (m/f/x) at #LeibnizIGB,-mussels-and-zooplankton-in-the-Oder-River-m-f-x-?jobDbPVId=72120751&l=de
#ecology #PhD #limnology,-mussels-and-zooplankton-in-the-Oder-River-m-f-x-?jobDbPVId=72120751&l=de
#ecology #PhD #limnology
PhD position investigating algae toxicity on fish, mussels and zooplankton in the Oder River (m/f/x) at Leibniz-Institut für Gewässerökologie und Binnenfischerei
We're looking for: PhD position investigating algae toxicity on fish, mussels and zooplankton in the Oder River (m/f/x) (Full or Part Time) • Müggelseedamm 310, 12587 Berlin,