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“If current trends continue, women & men will be equally represented in the field of biology in 2069. In physics, math & engineering, women should not expect to reach parity for more than a century.“

“The data show that women are systematically denied the chief currencies of scientific credit: publications & citations.” #women #science #books
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

One hopeful observation. I've been involved in several national TT searches (physics department) over the past 20 years, and I have seen a massive improvement in the gender balance in applicant pools. IMO, that's a leading indicator. And it looked like a rapid shift, not a gradual increase.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

To be clear, it’s not about getting women & girls excited about science. We are! It’s about keeping us there.

Scientific institutions weren’t built by women or for us. Cultural norms & social mores often discourage us from staying. Retention numbers from earning a PhD to becoming a full professor are nearly identical now to when I was early career in the 2000s. /2
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

curious to hear more of what #CitizenScience groups and #HobbyScience clubs like #AmateurRadio can do to attract and retain #WomenInScienceEngineering #WISE

I studied #OutdoorRecreation and #Geography, I am employed in #InformationTechnology. I also joined #AmateurRadio late in life.

My lesson learned is that vocation might contrast or compliment avocation.

I also acknowledge my bias and privilege as a white middle class middle aged male in Canada

How can I help?
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

For a long time, IT turned a blind eye to sexual harassment.

Male programmers were more likely to laugh if they observed this behavior. HR policies favored perpetrators not targets.

Many IT organizations entrenched the "30% female employment wage discount" in their compensation policy and have resisted all efforts at pay equity.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

heard that, in general, girls are doing better in math and science in school than boys. Some think that is a problem for boys, while ignoring the belated advances of girls. Who would think girls getting ahead is a bad thing?
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I just picked up a book by Dr. Becky Smethurst History of Black Holes. WOW! Sadly many w9men scientists have had their hard work and discoveries robbed from them including recognition by Nobel.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

2069! on the other hand... how many years were universities functioning? how many hundreds? and when did they START enrolling women, i presume you are talking at professor level? maybe it's actually remarkable progress! humans change VERY SLOOOOOOWLY.
Unknown parent

Sheril Kirshenbaum
@breadandcircuses When I was a grad student, I thought we were surely headed toward parity. I was surrounded by so many bright, driven, curious & ambitious women!

But then came negotiations, bullying & harassment, bias, motherhood without institutional support, inadequate or unaffordable childcare, lack of credit, male dominated social norms - all before a pandemic. Our numbers have dwindled at every step.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

one of the reasons I always push the publisher to use my initials and not my name. Some journals are now cruelly demanding full first names and I view that as misogynistic
in reply to Char

@carowe I have multiple friends who intentionally chose male sounding names for their daughters.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

If current trend continues, men and women will be dead by 2069. 🗿
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

It won't matter by then surely. Some of the boys will be girls.
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

Oddly, the early days of computing programmers were disproportionately women.

Coding in machine language took persistence, precision and a lot of effort for small reward

Once higher level languages took over (and money & prestige rose) men started to dominate that field.

There are no known fields of endeavour where the achievements of smart men are creditted to women.....
in reply to Sheril Kirshenbaum

I’m all for equal opportunity. But the idea that every profession should be 50% male and 50% female ignores the simple fact that women and men are biologically different.

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