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The practice of inline hashtags on Mastodon is terrible, a clunky & inelegant techie solution. I don't like reading them and will never use them. Separating them out would be great. (via @overholt)
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Technically the #ActivityPub allows to make hidden hashtags, not visible in the body of text. It could be ideal. Then it would be up to the client to show them as a list at the end or not to show them.
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I prefer to nestle them at the end. I think it is a terrible idea, for a variety of reasons, to write them inline.
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I find this article a bit puzzling, since inline hashtags have been a key part of Twitter ever since they first emerged. And that is true of pretty much all other social services.

The article seems like:

- After using many other social services, the author started using Tumblr.
- The author likes that Tumblr puts hashtags outside the text.
- The author now wants others to do like Tumblr.

Which is of course fine, but it’s not really a *Mastodon* issue.
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Do you propose that hashtags not be used at all? (I agree that embedding hashtags in the text makes for hard reading, so I put them in a block at the end.)

The reason I ask is that I've noticed your posts do not use hashtags.


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