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Success! #OTD 56 years ago, Gemini XII splashed down into the Atlantic Ocean 4 days after it had been launched into space, with astronauts Jim Lovell and Buzz Aldrin onboard! Postflight medical examination determined both astronauts were in good shape. 🧑🚀🧑🚀 #NASAhistory
in reply to NASA

My dad was an AC on the U.S.S. Wasp for several of the Gemini recoveries, including this one. I have a memorial envelope (created by the ship's post office) with Lovell's autograph (along with envelopes for other Gemini missions, including a photograph of Neil Armstrong's crew with his autograph). This is one of the reasons I've been a proponent of NASA and space exploration since my youth. Thank you for posting this.

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