@algorithms https://fediview.com can now recommend #mastodon posts based on your personal post history. The #recommendations are generated in real-time and the system is designed to be privacy-respecting.
It's still in beta and https://fediview.com/plus is required for now, but let me know if you would like to help me test it.
#algorithms #nlp
It's still in beta and https://fediview.com/plus is required for now, but let me know if you would like to help me test it.
#algorithms #nlp
fediview - The algorithmic timeline for Mastodon
Generate an algorithmic summary for Mastodon timelinesfediview.com
Eugen Rochko
in reply to adamghill • • •adamghill
in reply to Eugen Rochko • • •There are still some rough edges when generating recommendations, but I'd love to hear any feedback!