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Frank Aylward
@Brad_Rosenheim we actually used public data already made available by some kind souls, but this sounds much more exciting.
in reply to Frank Aylward

Still is very cool. So, just how big is a giant virus? And, does size matter in virology?
in reply to Dr. Brad Rosenheim has moved!

@Brad_Rosenheim Frank’s the expert, lazy scientists like me study tiny viruses (so much cheaper & easier to sequence!). But here’s some info on giant viruses (also called giruses by some but not me…) - the biggest ones are 1.5 microns long and have up to 2.5 Mb genomes. Giant viruses can be bigger than small bacteria!
in reply to Mya Breitbart

@Brad_Rosenheim we also talk about some of the bigger viruses in a recent review - this field has seen many big discoveries in recent years!
in reply to Frank Aylward

@Brad_Rosenheim Fantastic review! Was reminded of comment from non-scientist (degreed in literature), “Virologists know nothing. Viruses aren’t even alive.” I had to take a big deep breath before more calmly replying. Perhaps I’ll forward this review to him. 😏 #viruses rule! 😉

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